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Sri Lanka cited in Address of UN Human Rights High Commissioner

March 5th, 2010

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay highlighted on-going human rights problems in Sri Lanka in a recent address to the UN Himan Rights Council as she presented the UNHCHR 2009 Annual Report.

β€œIn Sri Lanka, I welcome the progress made in returning displaced persons, and hope the review and release of security detainees can similarly be expedited. But the opportunity for peace and reconciliation continues to be marred by the treatment of journalists, human rights defenders and other critics of the Government. I am convinced that Sri Lanka should undertake a full reckoning of the grave violations committed by all sides during the war, and that the international community can be helpful in this regard,” Commissioner Pillay said in her Address to the Human Rights Council.

Commissioner Pillay’s Address to the UN HR Council (Download PDF)

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