Integrity of Creation

Photo courtesy of Bro. Lester Antonio Zapata, OMI
Moral urgency and scientific evidence are challenging us to recognize that reckless human activity has contributed heavily to the global environmental crisis today. Food insecurity, fast melting glaciers, an increase in natural disasters and a rise in sea levels are all examples of the breakdown of our earthly home. Although the world’s poor and vulnerable communities contribute the least to climate degradation, they are most affected. All people of faith and people of good will are being invited to make a commitment to honor our Creator and each other by caring for our precious gift, the earth.
OMI JPIC supports good stewardship of the environment in a variety of ways. Among other things,
- We work to “green” the Oblate Congregation and the parishes with whom they work.
- The Oblate Ecological Initiative is a major educational and outreach program to foster awareness of the sanctity of all creation. Visit the LaVista website to learn more.
- We help to provide sustainable sources of water and food to countries where we work
- We fight climate change through public policy and responsible investing
- We educate by teaching young people to become better environmental citizens and by taking Eco-Missions to interested congregations.
- We fight unsustainable mining and energy extraction in both developed and developing nations
Faith-Based Environmental Efforts and Organizations:
- Earth Ministry
- Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon Environmental Ministries
- Equal Exchange: Interfaith Coffee Program
- Faith in Place
- The Forum on Religion and Ecology (hosted by Yale University)
- Green Faith: Interfaith Partners for the Environment
- Environmental Justice Program: Caring for God’s Creation (USCCB)
- Interfaith Power & Light
- National Catholic Rural Life Conference
- National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Campaign
- New Community Project …promoting peace through justice, care for creation, and experiential learning…
- The Regeneration Project
- Religious Campaign for Forest Conservation
- Texas Impact Environment Program
- Voices for Earth Justice
- Web of Creation
Organizations focusing on Climate Change:
- Catholic Coalition on Climate Change
- Friends of the Earth: Safe Climate Campaign
- Operation Noah (British Christian campaign on Climate Change)
- Pew Center on Global Climate Change
- Union of Concerned Scientists