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Religious Groups Establish Principles to Promote Food Security

June 18th, 2012

The Oblate JPIC office joined thirty development NGOs and faith-based organizations in a letter to the State Department, US AID and the White House celling for adherence to a set of principles to assure food security as the government engages increasingly in overseas agricultural Public Private Partnerships. The groups contend, “Because we know that how donors invest in agriculture is as important as the investments themselves, we urge the U.S. Government, as it partners with the private sector for the purpose of increasing food and nutrition security, to adopt the following principles:”

  1. Do no harm (to other public investments
  2. Respect the dignity of the human person
  3. Provide measurable benefits to smallholders
  4. Ensure sustainability
  5. Provide transparency and mechanisms for ongoing civil society participation
  6. Protect and prioritize local private sector actors

Read the letter for detail on the principles listed above (Download PDF)


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