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Peace & Life Connections: January 11, 2013

January 17th, 2013

We reproduce the Consistent Life “Peace & Life Connections” weekly newsletter on this website. If you are interested in more information, or in subscribing to the e-newsletter directly, please visit Please note that we do not edit the content of this publication.

Aimee Murphy, Executive Director, Life Matters Journal


March for Life

Consistent Life has a presence at the March for Life in Washington D.C. every year. We have a web page up for those interested in joining in or at least knowing what’s going on.
This includes a march contingent for which we’re one of several co-sponsors, initiated by Life Matters Journal: “For Peace & ALL Life Meet-up & March.”
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Letter to the Editor: Sen. Turner’s ED Bill is Sad and Absurd

Subscriber Marilyn Kopp sent this in – published
October 12, 
Cleveland Plain Dealer

142 Kopp“State Sen. Nina Turner’s sarcastic introduction of a bill to restrict men’s access to erectile dysfunction drugs in retaliation for the GOP lawmakers’ anti-abortion bills . . . is an absurd distortion of the abortion question into a silly his-body/her-body comparison. She assumes it is only men who are against abortion, while many women are as well, holding that abortion runs counter to true feminist ideals. Women are no longer their husbands’ property, are they? Similarly, it is hypocritically unjust to consider women as “owners” of their children, to dispose of them as they see fit.

Apparently, Turner believes abortion is necessary for women’s equal and free participation in society. Her sad joke about erectile dysfunction drugs serves only to belittle her argument. True reform that would advance women’s legitimate goals would remove the oppression that forces women to alter their biology to match men’s in order to be equal, to sacrifice their children lest they lose out on their dreams for education and careers. All the injustices that lead a woman to consider abortion must be corrected. The sooner we realize that, the better off women will be.”

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CL Endorsers ExpoundShane Claiborne has written a response to the NRA response to the Sandy Hook massacre entitled “What would Jesus say to the NRA?”
John Dear traveled to Afghanistan last December and offers a journal of “Bearing witness to peacemaking in a war-torn country
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Quotations of the WeekNote: These both concern the furor over the recent gang-rape and murder in New Delhi, India. It’s heartening to see that mainstream media is noticing the abortion connection. Heather Timmons, New York Times
PBS News Hour, January 3, 2013There seems to be an incidence in crimes which involve packs of men attacking women. There are a lot of theories being thrown around about why those are happening. One of them involves sort of the extra men, as they’re called, because India has had a long history of female feticide.
142 Timmons 2

Erika Christakis
Rape in India: A Result of Sex Selection?” Time Magazine, January 4, 2013

But behind the angry protests is an even deeper story: the preference for male babies in India and much of the world may be at the root of this senseless violence.Growing evidence suggests that in countries like India and China, where the ratio of men to women is unnaturally high due to the selective abortion of female fetuses and neglect of girl children, the rates of violence towards women increase.

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