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New Solar Hot Water System Installed at Albergue Las Memorias

August 18th, 2017

This spring OMI JPIC launched a “Hospice Vegetable Garden Initiative” at Albergue Las Memorias A.C., a residential hospice facility in Tijuana, Mexico. Because volunteers provided much of the labor for the garden, money was left over to install a solar water heater system at the residence.  So recently JPIC director Fr. Antonio Ponce, along with Oblate seminarians Erickson, Pascal, and Mr Orosco (a resident at Casa Memorias and plumber by trade) worked on installing the system. The installation was a success and residents now have hot running water. Prior to this they used wood to heat water because they could not afford gas.

(From L to R) Mr. Orosco (resident at Albergue Las Memorias), Fr. Antonio Ponce, and Pascal.

(From L to R) Erickson, Mr Orosco (resident at Albergue Las Memorias), and Pascal.



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