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Socially Responsible Investment Coalition (SRIC) Publishes 2018 Annual Report

September 4th, 2018

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate – JPIC partners with the Socially Responsible Investment Coalition (SRIC), a group of religious organizations or their affiliates working together to monitor corporate social responsibility and to empower its members to use their economic power (as shareholders and consumers) to promote social and environmental justice for all people.

SRIC is a non-profit religiously sponsored organization headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. Institutions and individuals belonging to SRIC work to balance their economic policies and practices with their fair and social concerns. As investors and shareholders, members act to influence corporations toward social responsibility. 

SRIC assists members with their corporate shareholder engagements through dialogues and resolution filling. SRIC’s 2018 annual report is now available. Download the 2018 Annual Report.

Visit Socially Responsible Investment Coalition (SRIC)’s website to learn more about their work.



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