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2022 Lent: Practice 40 Days of Kindness

February 25th, 2022

Rekindling our Connection to the World

La Vista and the Confluence Climate Collaborative invite you to join our observance of Lent which has become a tradition we share with the broader community online.  We invite you to join us on our gentle Lenten journey guiding us to freedom from consumerism, increased peace in daily life, and greater alignment with Earth’s goodness. By practicing 40 days of Kindness toward each other and our Earth, together we can Rekindle our Connection to the World.

Through this practice we will:
* create more space and time in our lives for what really matters;
* live mindfully and joyfully in the present, wonderful moment;
* act to counter climate change, which is deeply affected by our habits and increasingly affects us all.

This online program will provide a variety of simple but inspiring suggestions for shifting our identity from consumer to lover of the whole Earth community. During the final week we will invite you to join the special challenge we are calling a Consumer Fast: 7 days of living with nothing but the absolute essentials – those things that meet our needs or bring true joy and nourishment. 
This is an individual journey, but not one you will be embarking on alone. Start where you are, and let’s see where we can go together on a more sustainable future for all.

Please join by visiting either the Confluence Climate Collaborative:
Blog: or
Facebook event: or by an
Email sign up:


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