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World Religious Travel to Ukraine

June 3rd, 2022

Our colleagues from the Interfaith Coalition in Washington have organized a delegation of religious leaders to express prayerful solidarity with the people of the Ukraine!

Please keep them in your prayers as they make this pilgrimage!! – Fr. Séamus P. Finn, OMI

World Religious Leaders Travel in Emergency Just Peace Mission to Pray in Kyiv (24-25 May 2022) 

WARSAW, POLAND– A high-level delegation of religious leaders will travel to Kyiv in an emergency intervention seeking to contribute to ending aggression against Ukraine, the bombing of Ukrainian cities, and to pray for a just peace. The leaders will meet in Warsaw, Poland, and travel 14-hours by bus to Kyiv, Ukraine, on May 24 and return to Warsaw on May 26.

In March, Mayor Vitali Klitschko of Kyiv, Ukraine’s besieged capital, issued a call to the religious leaders to come to Kyiv: “I make an appeal to the world’s spiritual leaders to take a stand and assume the moral function that is incumbent upon them, and to proudly assume the responsibility of their religions for peace,” said Klitschko. “ … Come to Kyiv to show their solidarity with the Ukrainian people. To show their compassion, and to join together in a spirit of harmony that my country and the whole world needs. Let us make Kyiv the capital of humanity, spirituality, and peace.”

This May, religious leaders from around the world have answered Klitschko’s plea. More than a dozen leaders and people of faith from the major world religions will arrive in Kyiv on Tuesday, 24 May to engage in prayer, pastoral accompaniment, and distribution of humanitarian aid, as well as key encounters with peacebuilders, religious leaders, and political leaders. READ THE FULL STORY @ OMIUSA.ORG


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