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Compassionate Refugee Legislation Introduced in U.S. Senate

July 21st, 2016

JPIICCongresspicOn July 14, 2016, Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Al Franken (D-MN) and Mazie Hirono (D-HI) introduced the Refugee Protection Act of 2016, which includes provisions to address many of the severe, longstanding problems in the U.S. refugee and asylum systems. The Missionary Oblates JPIC office welcomes the introduction of significant legislation — the Refugee Protection Act of 2016. We strongly support this legislation and believe it is compassionate. We also affirm the principles that the bill will help to restore the United States as a welcoming nation for those suffering persecution around the world.  Our hope and prayer is that all Members of Congress join the lead sponsors to support passage of the Refugee Protection Act of 2016.

If passed into law, the legislation’s many significant provisions would require the implementation of humane reforms to the immigration detention system. It would also provide increased support to ensure refugees are fully welcomed and it would require appointed legal counsel for unaccompanied children and other vulnerable migrants in immigration proceedings.

Missionary Oblates JPIC joins in solidarity with diverse faith-based organizations as well as human and immigrant rights organizations in supporting the Refugee Protection Act of 2016. The legislation reflects many values which the faith community supports and will show compassion and a strong commitment to protecting refugees, asylum-seekers, vulnerable children and other migrants arriving in the United States.

Join us in commending the co-sponsors of the Refugee Protection Act of 2016. We will issue a full action alert in the coming weeks.





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