Letter of the Superior General, Fr. Louis Lougen OMI – December 8, 2017
December 4th, 2017
December 8, 2017 – January 25, 2019
The Joy and Generosity of Oblate Life!
Happy Feast Day to all those who live the Oblate charism! We begin the Year of Oblate Vocations on the solemnity of our patroness, Mary Immaculate. The grace of her immaculate conception fills us with great joy, love and gratitude for all that God has done in her. This is a missionary feast. Mary’s immaculate conception prepared her for the call and the mission which God would entrust to her: to be a worthy dwelling place for the Son of the Most High. Mary’s faith-filled response inspires us to live faithfully our oblation as missionaries of the Kingdom of Jesus. We entrust this special year, the Year of Oblate Vocations, to the care of Our Lady, firmly believing that she will intercede so that God’s grace, in God’s own time and in God’s own way, will bless our efforts.
READ the full letter here.
DOWNLOAD Fr. Lougen’s letter.
Posted in: Homepage News, News
Related keywords: Fr. Louis Lougen, Happy Oblate Feast Day, Mary Immaculate, Year of Oblate Vocations