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Migrant Caravan: Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions

November 2nd, 2018

(A resource provided by JPIC Partner Latin American Working Group)

by Lily Folkerts & Andrea Fernández Aponte

There’s a lot of fake news circulating about the caravan that started in Honduras earlier this month. And as opinions and actions fed by misinformation mount, we’re answering your most pressing questions with facts and information from human rights advocates who accompanied the caravan in Central America and who are monitoring the events from Mexico.

How did it start?

Contrary to what some are saying, the caravan is not a left-wing conspiracy to push for “open borders.” It is not a right-wing conspiracy to hurt Democrats in the November elections. It is is not about the United States. This is about life or death for these people.

CLICK HERE to read the full article.


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