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DPI-NGO stands for Department of Public Information and Non-Governmental Organizations. The DPI/NGO Section is part of the Department’s Outreach Division. It acts as its liaison between the UN and NGOs and civil society organizations at large.

The Department of Public Information of the UN Secretariat (DPI) and NGOs have been partners since 1947. Their association was strengthened following the adoption of ECOSOC’s resolution 1297 in May 1968.

The DPI/NGO Section is part of the Department’s Outreach Division. It acts as its liaison between the UN NGOs and civil society organizations at large. It oversees partnerships with associated NGOs and provides a wide range of information services to them, helping them to better understand the goals and the work of the UN. These services include weekly NGO briefings, communication workshops, an annual NGO conference and an annual orientation programme for newly associated NGOs.

NGOs associating with the UN DPI are expected to:
  • promote knowledge of the principles and activities of the UN;
  • disseminate information about the UN and its work to their constituencies;
  • keep the DPI/NGO Section informed about their UN-related activities by submitting a report every four years;
  • fill out an accreditation form every year.

The association of NGOs with DPI does not constitute their incorporation into the UN system, nor does it entitle them, or their staff, to any kind of privileges, immunities or special status.

The criteria for association with DPI are:
  • the NGO must support and respect the principles of the UN Charter and have a clear mission statement with those principles;
  • the NGO must be recognized nationally or internationally;
  • the NGO should operate solely on a non-profit basis and have tax-exempt status;
  • the NGO must have the commitment and the means to conduct effective information programmes with its constituents about UN activities;
  • the NGO should have an established record of continuity of work for a minimum of three years and should show promise of sustained activity in the future;
  • the NGO should have a satisfactory record of collaboration with UN Information Centres/Services or other parts of the UN System prior to association;
  • the NGO should provide an audited annual financial statement, conducted by a qualified, independent accountant; and
  • the NGO should have statutes/by-laws providing for a transparent process of making decisions, elections of officers and members.

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