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Fr. Séamus Finn Featured on Eva Haller’s Salon Series November 17th, 2021

The intersection of faith and finance is as old as the scriptures and the great books of all religious traditions. Whether we seek to follow the great commandment or the Golden rule that we should do unto others as we would have them do unto us,

The activities that flow from these platforms frequently involve money, charity and philanthropy and how these activities are informed or should be influenced by our beliefs.

This presentation explores some of the opportunities that are available to believers and their institutions who want integrate this practice into their lives.

Watch the presentation here:

Eva Haller Salon Series

Eva Haller

Eva’s Salons bring together artists, scientists and media makers from around the globe. Eva is a 91 year old activist, philanthropist & holocaust survivor.

COP26: UN Climate Change Conference 2021 November 2nd, 2021

The COP26 summit brings governments, civil society, and other stakeholders together to accelerate action toward the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

General Information Hub:

ARTICLE: Faith community arrives in Glasgow to pray, press world leaders for strong action at COP26


Statement on Nat’l Roads Dev. Project, Kalimantan, Indonesia: Delivered to the Asia Dev. Bank (ADB) by Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI October 14th, 2021

While recently visiting Tewksbury, MA, Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI had the privilege and opportunity to have a conversation with Fr. Lucien Bouchard, OMI who spent over 25 years on the island of Borneo (Kalimantan) where the Oblates have maintained a missionary presence since 1977.

(Click here to read more about Fr. Lucien Bouchard, OMI) 

Their discussion informed this written statement, which Fr. Séamus delivered to a session of the Asia Development Bank meeting here in Washington., DC on October 13, 2021.

Related story: Borneo’s last remaining pristine rainforest under threat from proposed Infrastructure Project funded by Asian Development Bank



National Migration Week 2021 September 20th, 2021


Join the U.S Catholic Church in celebrating National Migration Week which takes place from September 20-26:

World Day of Migrants and Refugees

Oblate Mission with Migrants & Refugees


20th Anniversary of 9/11: Oblates Participate in Interfaith Prayer Service September 14th, 2021

Oblate Frs. Séamus Finn & Jim Brobst Participate in Local 9/11 Interfaith Prayer Service

USP JPIC participated in the PAX Christi co-sponsored interfaith prayer service at the Church of the Brethren in Washington, DC on September 11th. Frs. Jim Brobst, OMI & Séamus Finn, OMI represented the JPIC office, which has been a member of Pax Christi USA for many years.

The opening statement was delivered by Scott Wright and Jean Stokan, both former Pax Christi USA National Council members.

Opening statement:

Many of you were in New York City on 9/11; in the months and years that followed, some of you traveled to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Guantanamo.

In the days immediately following 9/11, my family and our three-year-old daughter took the train to New York City. We spent the entire day accompanying family members of the victims in Washington Square and Union Square. Everywhere you could see little altars, with vigil lights, flowers, pictures of loved ones, and messages scribbled on poster board: “Have you seen my father? My brother? My daughter?” They were on the 71st floor, the 32nd floor, and wearing this or that…

As people of many faiths, and people of good will and compassionate hearts, we share a common hope for Peace, Salaam, Shalom. May we do everything in our power to protect human life, welcome refugees, challenge militarism across the globe, and recommit ourselves to nonviolence, knowing that violence and war are always a defeat for humanity.

In the days immediately following 9/11, Rep. Barbara Lee cast the only vote in Congress against going to war in Afghanistan. Pivotal to her decision was attending a memorial service where a clergy member said: “As we act, let us not become the evil that we deplore.”

Photos from the service are located at this Flicker Site:

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