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Each Wednesday in Lent… March 7th, 2014

1901407_1428006570776240_713257666_nIt’s the beginning of the 40 days of Lent, a period for sacrifice, prayer and almsgiving. You are invited to join in the Fast 4 Families every Wednesday as a sacrifice and solidarity for immigration reform.

Take the pledge here: Fast every Wednesday during the season of Lent as an act of witness to the fierce moral urgency of protecting immigrant families that are torn apart every day.





Prepare for Lent with Interfaith Power & Light’s Lenten Carbon Fast Calendar February 25th, 2014

p29Lent, just over a week away, is a time to repent, reflect, sacrifice, and listen for God. This year, have your congregation join with many others in taking on a Lenten Carbon “Fast.” Each day calls on us to take a different action and each of these actions will reduce our production of climate pollution and help to preserve God’s great gift of Creation.

May this season serve as a wake-up call to be mindful of the ways that our daily choices impact everyone, especially people living in poverty.

Download the calendar now and share it with your church to include in their Sunday bulletin!




Immigration Reform: Catholic Efforts During Lent February 21st, 2014

jfi_logoThe Justice for Immigrants Campaign  continues to advocate for immigration reform despite obstacles by some members of Congress. The campaign provides prayer materials, background on policy priorities, and reflections about the need for immigration reform this year. There’s also a Facebook page about their efforts.

As part of the campaign, the national Catholic social justice lobby NETWORK has produced informative materials to help faith communities in prayer and action for immigration reform during the upcoming Lent season. Sign-up here to receive these resources in a weekly email series throughout Lent.

 Save the date: The 2014 National Migration Conference will take place in Washington, DC, on July 7-10. This gathering is designed to build the capacity of the Catholic Church and society to advance the life and dignity of the human person in our work with immigrants, migrants, refugees, unaccompanied migrant children, victims of human trafficking, and other vulnerable people on the move.

Thanks to our friends at Catholic Rural Life for this information


Exploitation of Kids is No Game January 27th, 2014

CH-SB-Sex-Trafficking-6Covenant House has developed a powerful new website to educate people about the problem of the exploitation of children by sex traffickers in the United States. It offers infographics designed to be shared through social media.

The problem of child homelessness and exploitation is a massive and heartbreaking problem. The stories are horrific.

Please visit and share this site with everyone you can. Let’s work together to protect our kids.




Call on Congressional Republicans to Adopt Family-Friendly Immigration Reform January 24th, 2014

Call Your GOP Member of Congress and Urge Inclusion of a Path to Citizenship for Immigrants and a focus on Family Unity in the Republican position on immigration reform

March in LA 2

Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives meet EARLY NEXT WEEK to plan their way forward on immigration reform. They could announce their reform principles by the middle of week.

Catholics and other supporters of immigrants and their families are strongly encouraged to call their GOP Members of Congress on Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 27 and 28, and ask that these two elements be included in their immigration reform principles:

  • Include a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants
  • Maintain family unity by preserving the family immigration system.

Use this toll free number, 1-855-589-5698, to be connected to your Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Thanks to the USCCB Justice for Immigrants for this Action Alert!

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