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The Business of Guns September 13th, 2013

TheBusinessOfGuns-posterGun manufacturing and sales is big business in the United States – surprisingly big business. America is the global leader in terms of gun ownership. There are nearly 9 guns for every 10 Americans, a proportion 40% gun ownership rate that Yemen, which ranks second in the world.

Learn more about the scope and strength of the gun industry in this one minute video designed for MBA students. Watch The Business of Guns here.

Take action on the proliferation of guns. Visit:  Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence


“U.S. Poverty and Our Catholic Response” – Webinar on September 19 September 12th, 2013

07Is poverty on the rise in our country? How are children, the elderly, and other vulnerable groups faring? Policy experts with the Domestic Social Development office of the U.S. Catholic Bishops are broadcasting a webinar to explore recent poverty data and what it means for national and local advocacy efforts.

This free webinar is set for Thursday, Sept. 19, from 2-3 pm (Eastern). Register for the webinar here.

Education Kit Available for Feast of St. Francis September 9th, 2013

Melting Ice, Mending Creation: A Catholic Approach to Climate Change

Melting_Mending-Creation_webgraphicThe Catholic Coalition on Climate Change has posted the Education Kit and Discussion Guide (free download) for this year’s Feast of St. Francis program: Melting Ice, Mending Creation: A Catholic Approach to Climate Change.

The Education Kit is available in Parish, College, and High School aged Youth versions.  The Kit contains all the instructions and links for the online slide presentation you’ll need to offer your local program.

SIGN UP to register your event so that you will receive enough Prayer Cards (integral to the program) for the number of people that you indicated will attend when you sign up/ register.

Questions? Please contact the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change at

Mass for Immigration Reform – Sunday, September 8 August 28th, 2013

Immigrant_signCatholics and other people of faith are encouraged to pray and act in solidarity with migrants on Sunday, September 8. On that Sunday, Catholic bishops and priests from all major dioceses across the country will preach a coordinated message supporting immigration policy. The Mass for Immigration Reform action on September 8th is to urge Members of Congress to pass immigration reform legislation that includes a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

Please make use of the following resources in your parish on September 8th:

More information available at


Stop Trafficking of Children and Teens! August 21st, 2013

masthead-blankRead the latest issue of Stop Trafficking!, the Anti-Human Trafficking Newsletter to promote Awareness, Advocacy and Action. This issue focuses on Trafficked Children and Teens.

Older issues and handouts on specific subjects are also available here…

Stop Trafficking! is made possible through 
the supportive sponsorship of national and international congregations of women religious and their partners.


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