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Help Save Healthcare! June 22nd, 2017

(Action alert courtesy of Network Lobby for Social Justice)

We Need You To Protect Medicaid
Call 1-888-738-3058 Now!

Senate Republicans have finally released their healthcare bill to the public, and it confirms what we already knew: this cruel bill would cause massive harm to our families and must be rejected.

Senate leadership is rushing the bill (which they are now calling the Better Care Reconciliation Act) to a vote by June 30 and get it one step closer to President Trump’s desk. To be clear: this is the American Health Care Act (AHCA) but worse. Today, and the next few days, are our last best chance to stop this immoral bill.

We need you to call your Senators at 1-888-738-3058 NOW to oppose the GOP health plan and protect Medicaid.

Call twice to reach both Senators.

After the House passed the AHCA in May, you told your Senators that the AHCA was beyond repair, and many of them promised to craft a better bill. Instead, they made the cruel cuts to Medicaid even deeper, kept most of the harmful aspects of the House bill and changed the name. This bill endangers over 70 million children, disabled people, seniors in nursing homes, and hardworking individuals and families who rely on Medicaid for healthcare.

Lives are on the line, and your calls can make the difference. We need to let Senators (in Republican and Democratic offices!) know that people of faith support healthcare and are against this bill.

Call your Senators at 1-888-738-3058 NOW.
Call twice to reach both Senators…and keep calling until we stop this bill! 

When you call, here’s what you might say:

“Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY/TOWN]. As a person of faith, I’m calling to oppose the Better Care Reconciliation Act. I oppose any efforts to cut or cap Medicaid, and no one should lose coverage as a result of any healthcare replacement. Please protect the human dignity of the millions of Americans who would lose coverage and oppose the Better Care Reconciliation Act.”*

*Also add your personal story! 

Millions of lives are on the line. Please call your Senators (call twice!) at 1-888-738-3058 to stop this bill.

Then, when you’re done, forward this email to all your friends so they can make their calls as well. If you know anyone in Alaska, Arizona, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, or West Virginia forward this email to them — it is ESPECIALLY important that they make their calls!

Thanks for your support!

2017 World Refugee Day: Take Action & Pray for Refugees June 15th, 2017

The United Nations General Assembly in 2000, designated June 20 as World Refugee Day. According to the 1951 Refugee Convention, a refugee is one who “owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country.”

For many years the Catholic Church, through its various agencies has worked and actively raised awareness about the plight of refugees through advocacy, education, and services to provide increased protections for them.

These efforts take place on the international level through organizations like Catholic Relief Services and Jesuit Relief Service, and domestically, through Catholic Charities and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Visit Justice for Immigrants website to read more about the U.S. Bishops’ campaign to support immigrants and refugees.

Download a 2017 World Refugee Day Resource.

Support our Haitian Brothers and Sisters: Extend the designation of Haiti for Temporary Protected Status May 15th, 2017

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate JPIC is joining with other Catholic groups and interfaith coalitions in calling to extend the designation of Haiti for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for an additional 18 months.

People of faith are concerned that thousands of hardworking Haitians in the U.S. may be at risk of having their Temporary Protected Status (TPS) terminated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Extending Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haitians is the right action to take because Haitian migrants will temporarily remain in the United States and support themselves legally while Haiti is being rebuilt.

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate has been present in Haiti since the 1950’s. Today Oblates in Haiti are still doing active missionary work in the northeastern part of the country. In the United States, Missionary Oblates are doing Catholic parish work, ministering to diverse immigrants including Haitians.

TAKE ACTION: Join the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops / Migration and Refugee Services to call to Extend TPS for Haitians

Stand in Solidarity with Refugees: Take Action Now January 31st, 2017

Justice for Immigrants (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) has issued an action alert calling on Catholics to contact their lawmakers to support immigrants and refugees. This week, President Donald Trump issued an Executive Order that is having a devastating impact on refugee resettlement in the United States. Missionary Oblates JPIC stands with religious communities and human rights organizations in calling for the support and protection of refugees forced to flee violence in their home communities. As people of faith, we cannot turn our backs on refugee families as they flee from violence. Today, there is an urgent need for the United States to continue showing global leadership on refugee protection.

Support Refugees and Immigrants – Take Action Now.

Support the BRIGDE Act for Young Immigrants January 18th, 2017

I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25:35

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate JPIC joins other faith organizations including US Catholic Bishops in urging that members of Congress lead by example and compassion by co-sponsoring the BRIDGE Act. This bipartisan effort will ensure the safety and dignity of nearly one million young immigrants who are contributing to our communities and love this country, but who may be at risk for deportation.

Created in 2012 through executive action, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program allows undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children to come out of the shadows, work, attend school and be protected from deportation. Another executive action can easily end the program.

BRIDGE ACT “Bar Removal of Individuals who Dream and Grow our Economy” is a bipartisan legislation introduced by Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) in an effort to provide temporary relief to young people currently protected from detention and deportation under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, should DACA be rescinded.

As people of faith, we believe in protecting the dignity of every human being, especially children. These young immigrants entered the United States as children and know America as their only home. BRIDGE Act would help to protect DACA youth from deportation and prevent the devastation that comes with family separation.

Join us by urging your members of Congress to co-sponsor the BRIDGE Act. Let them send a strong message that withdrawing DACA has moral and economic consequences for communities.

Find your members of Congress by going to this website:

In his message for the 2017 World Day for Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis calls special attention to child migrants; “The rights of children are a cause for special concern, as among migrants, women and children are particularly vulnerable. Children especially are often “invisible” because they lack documents or arrive in new countries without accompaniment.”

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