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Religious Groups Establish Principles to Promote Food Security June 18th, 2012

The Oblate JPIC office joined thirty development NGOs and faith-based organizations in a letter to the State Department, US AID and the White House celling for adherence to a set of principles to assure food security as the government engages increasingly in overseas agricultural Public Private Partnerships. The groups contend, “Because we know that how donors invest in agriculture is as important as the investments themselves, we urge the U.S. Government, as it partners with the private sector for the purpose of increasing food and nutrition security, to adopt the following principles:”

  1. Do no harm (to other public investments
  2. Respect the dignity of the human person
  3. Provide measurable benefits to smallholders
  4. Ensure sustainability
  5. Provide transparency and mechanisms for ongoing civil society participation
  6. Protect and prioritize local private sector actors

Read the letter for detail on the principles listed above (Download PDF)


The Migration of Our Plastic… May 25th, 2012

Plastic found in the gut of a dead albatross on Midway Island; Photo Credit: Chris Jordan

The MIDWAY media project is a powerful visual journey into the heart of a deeply symbolic environmental tragedy. On an island 2,000 miles from the nearest continent, tens of thousands of baby albatrosses lie dead on the ground, their bodies filled with plastic from the Pacific Garbage Patch. A team of film makers and researchers visiting the island over a period of several years has produced a stunning film that captures both the immensity of this tragedy—and our own complicity—head on. In this process, they have found “an unexpected route to a transformational experience of beauty, acceptance, and understanding.”

Watch a trailer for the film….

Take Action: Use less plastic, and recycle what you do use. Never toss bottles into or near storm gutters. And support local efforts to ban polystyrene containers and plastic bags.

Support the Call for a Special Rapporteur on HR and Climate Change May 25th, 2012

A group of NGOs, including VIVAT International, has issued a petition calling for a Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Climate Change at the Human Rights Council. VIVAT International, of which the Oblates are a member, is a strong supporter of this petition and is asking members of our network to support the initiative.

We encourage you to sign on as an individual or on behalf of your congregation, if you are delegated to do so.

To read and sign the petition please visit the following link:

According to the UN, “global warming will affect, and already is affecting, the basic elements of life for millions of people around the world. Effects include an increasing frequency of extreme weather events, rising sea levels, droughts, increasing water shortages, and the spread of tropical and vector born diseases.”

“Viewing the data through a human rights lens, it is clear that projected climate change-related effects threaten the effective enjoyment of a range of human rights, such as the right to safe and adequate water and food, the right to health and adequate housing. Equally, the human rights perspective brings into focus that climate change is set to hit the poorest countries and communities the hardest.”

“The international human rights standards serve as a guide for measures to tackle climate change, underscoring the fundamental moral and legal obligations to protect and promote full enjoyment of the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the core universal human rights treaties.”

More information… 




Corporate Social Responsibility and the Churches May 14th, 2012

Thanks to the European Africa Faith & Justice Network for the following information: 

Bishops call for increased corporate transparency

Catholic bishops urge the European Union to legislate on extractive companies

While a group of EU member states, including Germany and the UK, are attempting to water down new EU transparency legislation, Catholic bishops from around the world urge the EU to push forward and require European Union-listed and large unlisted extractive companies to publicly disclose the payments they make to governments worldwide. In a joint statement, they say less stringent laws will fail to turn the curse of resource-rich developing countries into a blessing.

More information…

Click here to read more »

Faith Groups Call for Increased Poverty-Focused Foreign Assistance May 11th, 2012

The Missionary Oblates joined 35 multi-faith U.S.-based religious institutions in urging Congress to pass a faithful budget that increases funding above current levels for poverty-focused international development, humanitarian assistance and global health programs in the State and Foreign Operations Appropriations bill. The letter points out, “Using less than one percent of the federal budget, poverty-focused foreign assistance saves lives, lays the groundwork for economic growth around the world and fosters global human security. Its programs alleviate hunger and malnutrition, help communities access clean water and sanitation, facilitate rural development, educate children, combat deadly but preventable diseases and promote global health.”

Read the full letter (Download PDF)

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