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Oblate Center for Peace and Reconciliation in Jaffna Launches Peace Week Activities September 15th, 2011

September 15th – 21st is International Peace Week and we at the Center for Peace and Reconciliation declare this week as a ” Week of Relationship”

Let us try to do any small act of Charity with the greater Love. In order to commemorate the week, CPR has organized different activities in Jaffna, Vanni, Manner, Colombo and Vavunia in the schools and the villages with the children and teachers. On the 21st there will be a 3 hour cultural programme with all the religious and ethnic groups.

The Center calls on all to pray for lasting peace and a reconciled society.

“Peace is not the material thing that we can buy from the shop but it is valuable gift that you have within yourselves. Each one struggles for a peaceful atmosphere but never goes back to the inner self where he/she has the serenity. The struggle of the center is not to change the society but to change the individuals to realize the inner thirst for peace.”

Peace week begins on the 15th of September and ends with the Peace Day on the 21st. “We are in the 7th year of our peace week activities, and having worked for 4 years with the struggle of the people, I personally confess that it is not failure when we look back the past years in our peace struggle.”

“Appreciating the contribution that the young generation has extended during the past years to build up a better society, we are also able to convince many people to walk in the direction of peace and Reconciliation. Our conviction is to bring individuals into the web of peace in order not to be trapped into going against the path of Peace and Reconciliation.”


Oblates Benefit from VIVAT International Workshop in India August 26th, 2011

Seventeen Oblates from Asia (India, Jaffna, Colombo, Bangladesh, Japan) participated in a VIVAT International workshop held in Indore, India from August 8 to 11, 2011. Also present were Daniel LeBlanc, OMI from the UN in New York and Camille Piche, OMI from OMI JPIC in Rome.

Participants experienced the many social action activities of the SVD and SSpS, and Adorers of the Previous Blood, and heard the heart-breaking story of an Eritrean Comboni sister working amongst the Bedouins in Israel-Palestine who told of the daily bulldozing of Bedouin and migrant houses. It was very inspiring to listen to the bold direction of the SVD and SSpS to opt for social action amongst the Dalits and Tribal peoples instead of work in parishes.

The VIVAT workshop invited the participants to go a step further and through advocacy, work for structural change by taking on the issues and injustices suffered by the poor, and deal with the root causes of injustices by empowering the poor to take these issues to local, provincial, regional, state, UN, EU etc. levels where decisions are taken regarding the poor. Everyone found the workshop to be very worthwhile.

A Workshop report giving a short summary of the proceedings is available. Daniel LeBlanc, OMI, Sr. Mary John, SSpS and Fr. Richard Quadros, SVD formed the drafting committee.

Read the VIVAT International Workshop Report (Download PDF)

Bipartisan Bill on Human Rights Risks in Supply Chains August 16th, 2011

On August 1, 2011, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) introduced the Business Transparency on Trafficking and Slavery Act (H.R. 2759). If enacted into law, the bill would require companies to disclose efforts to identify and address the risks of human trafficking, forced labor, slavery, and the worst forms of child labor in their supply chains. The bill is co-sponsored by Rep. Christopher Smith (R-NJ), the Chairman of the US House Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health.

H.R. 2759 would require companies to include such disclosures in their annual reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Disclosure would include policies to identify and eliminate risks of forced labor, slavery, human trafficking, and the worst forms of child labor within their supply chains. It would also require suppliers to certify that materials incorporated into the products comply with laws regarding the above issues in the country or countries in which they are doing business.

The disclosures would be available on the SEC and company websites. The bill has been referred to the House Committee on Financial Services for further legislative consideration. Stay tuned to the JPIC website for updates on this important legislation.


ConocoPhillips Improves Corporate Human Rights Position August 12th, 2011

ConocoPhillips has amended its corporate Human Rights policy to include recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples as articulated in UN declarations and conventions. This action, approved by ConocoPhillips Chair/CEO Jim Mulva as well as the Board of Directors, is one result of ICCR member shareholder dialogs with the company led by Steven Heim at Boston Common Asset Management. The Oblates have been engaged in this dialog for several years and remain deeply concerned about the impacts of corporate activity – particularly oil and gas exploration – on indigenous peoples.

The company’s position on the rights of indigenous peoples now reads:

“The Company’s approach to engagement with indigenous communities, in locations where they are an important stakeholder group for our operations, is consistent with the principles of the International Labour Organization Convention 169, concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.”

In May of this year, the company announced it was pulling out of a controversial project slated for northern Peru. The project threatened two uncontacted tribes in the area.

Read the company’s Human Rights Position statement…



Indigenous Peoples Celebrate but not in Bangladesh August 8th, 2011

More than 70 countries are expected to observe the International Day for Indigenous People on August 9 with a focus on “Indigenous designs: celebrating stories and cultures, crafting our own future”.

Yet in Bangladesh, the government refuses to recognize the existence of indigenous peoples, arguing instead that they are simply ethnic minorities. This designation removes the groups from protections and rights afforded by the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and ILO Convention 169, both of which Bangladesh has signed.

Sanjeev Drong, a close collaborator of the Oblates in Bangladesh,

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