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2009 Global Parliament of Religions Gather in Australia December 7th, 2009

No Jobs on a Dead Planet_sm

There are No Jobs on a Dead Planet

The Rev. Seamus Finn, OMI will speak at  the fifth global conference of the Parliament of World Religions which is meeting from December 3 to 9, 2009 in Melbourne, Australia. The Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions aims to cultivate harmony among the world’s religious and spiritual communities and foster their engagement with the world and its guiding institutions in order to achieve a just, peaceful and sustainable world.

The theme for the 2009 Parliament is “Make a World of Difference: Hearing each other, Healing the earth.” The 2009 Parliament will welcome over 10,000 people from 80 countries to take part in approximately 500 events including keynote addresses, seminars, conferences, debates, performances, concerts and exhibitions.

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Ring Your Church Bells Sunday December 13th – Send a Message to Copenhagen! December 3rd, 2009

204741805_5cbedcbcdaInternational climate change talks are set to start in Copenhagen on December 7th, and the Earth’s future is at stake. It’s time for us to do everything we can to ensure that the world community emerges from Copenhagen with a just, binding, science-based climate treaty.

Caritas Internationalis and the World Council of Churches are calling on Christians around the world to ring our church bells on Sunday, December 13th to show solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the globe who already are experiencing the devastating effects of climate change.


Want to organize an action? Download a flyer for distribution in your church this Sunday.

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December Action Alert – Let’s Avoid Another Meltdown! December 3rd, 2009

wallbullTake Action to Protect People and the Planet

    – Support Creation of a Consumer Financial Protection Agency
    – Join the Call for Derivatives Reform
    – Ring Your Church Bells – Send a Message to Copenhagen!

      Learn more and take action – click here for our December Action Alert

      Irish Bishops Issue Climate Change Statement November 30th, 2009

      The bishops of Ireland released a major statement on climate change earlier this month. They invite all, “to reflect on ‘that covenant between human beings and the environment, which should mirror the creative love of God, from whom we come and towards whom we are journeying’ (CV n. 50).”The statement has an accompanying DVD.

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      World AIDS Day 2009 – Focus on Universal Access and Human Rights November 24th, 2009

      world-aids-day-logoDecember 1st each year is World AIDS Day. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV. The global HIV/AIDS pandemic is a major health and development issue. AIDS also continues to present pastoral challenges to the Church. Missionary Oblates in South Africa are regularly working directly with and supporting people living with HIV/AIDS.

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