News Archives » Europe
Italian Constitutional Court Blocks the Privatization of Water July 23rd, 2012
In an important ruling, the Italian Constitutional Court has declared unconstitutional the privatization of water and local public services. In a ruling issued July 20, the Court ruled against Article 4 of the Decree Law 138 of August 13, 2011, by which, the Berlusconi government re-introduced the privatization of local public services. This ruling also blocks all subsequent amendments, including those of the Monti government.
The ruling strongly confirms the citizens’ will, expressed in the referendum of 12 and 13 June 2011. On those dates, a nationwide popular referendum was held in Italy on four questions, two of which concerned the privatization of water. Turnout was reported to be high, reaching 56.9%, with clear majorities of 94.6% to 96.1% in favor on all questions. The Vatican has come out strongly in favor of the human right to water, and opposed the efforts to privatize the vital resource. Cardinal Turkson, head of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, said water distribution should be a service provided by governments to their citizens as part of their role in protecting the common good.
Victory Against Vulture Funds! July 23rd, 2012
Jubilee USA Stopped Vulture Funds in New York State; Courts Stopped Them in the UK
In June, Jubilee USA – of which OMI JPIC is a member – launched a campaign to stop vulture fund legislation from passing in the New York State Legislature. Vulture funds were attempting to get Bills through that would have promoted and protected vulture funds in New York State courts, making it easier for vultures to litigate against poor countries.
Jubilee mobilized more than 4,000 New York Jubilee members to take action, calling and writing their Assembly Members and Senators to stand with the poor and not with the hedge funds.
The Wall Street Journal’s Jacob Gersham wrote how important this work was: “The path became trickier for Elliott on Friday, when an alliance of religious groups that supports debt relief for developing nations, Jubilee USA Network, entered the fray by issuing a mass alert about the bill. It said the proposed law could be wielded in poorer regions and “litigate poor countries into submission.” Read the full article in the Wall Street Journal.
UK Courts Rule Against Vulture Funds, Support DR Congo
In a surprise decision in the Jersey Isles, the UK’s Privy Council overturned a prior ruling, siding with the Democratic Republic of Congo against vulture fund FG Hemisphere. FG Hemisphere was seeking $100 million from the DRC for a debt the vulture fund bought for just $3 million. While having initially lost the case, the DRC has won on final appeal. While the UK passed a law in 2010 limiting the amount a vulture fund could claim from impoverished countries, it did not apply to crown protectorates, like Jersey, where vultures funds could still pursue cases. This decision was pleasantly unexpected and a cause for celebration.
Combat trafficking and slavery connected to Olympic events! June 15th, 2012
This summer, London will play host to an estimated 5 million visitors as the eyes of millions around the globe will be trained on the world’s top athletes at the 2012 Olympic Games. The Olympics are an opportunity for the citizens of the world to unite in celebration of the best of the human spirit: dedication and discipline, mutual understanding, fair play and solidarity
But they also expose a darker side of human nature: for international sporting events and the large audiences they draw are also potential venues for the exploitation of the world’s most vulnerable citizens via the deplorable practice of human trafficking and modern day slavery.
Please take action today! Sign the ICCR petition on asking the International Olympic Committee leadership “to take the necessary steps to address and eliminate human trafficking and modern slavery by adopting strong requirements for sponsors, suppliers and construction companies.”
The petition says, “We recommend creating clear guidelines for business partners covering the complete project life cycle of the Olympics, including:
- Adopt a policy prohibiting trafficking and slavery
- Conduct assessments of actual and potential human trafficking risks
- Integrate assessments into oversight and monitoring programs
- Train key staff on how to identify and eradicate various forms of trafficking
- Publicly report progress using the Global Reporting Initiative’s Event Organizing Sector Supplement
Support the Call for a Special Rapporteur on HR and Climate Change May 25th, 2012
A group of NGOs, including VIVAT International, has issued a petition calling for a Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Climate Change at the Human Rights Council. VIVAT International, of which the Oblates are a member, is a strong supporter of this petition and is asking members of our network to support the initiative.
We encourage you to sign on as an individual or on behalf of your congregation, if you are delegated to do so.
To read and sign the petition please visit the following link:
According to the UN, “global warming will affect, and already is affecting, the basic elements of life for millions of people around the world. Effects include an increasing frequency of extreme weather events, rising sea levels, droughts, increasing water shortages, and the spread of tropical and vector born diseases.”
“Viewing the data through a human rights lens, it is clear that projected climate change-related effects threaten the effective enjoyment of a range of human rights, such as the right to safe and adequate water and food, the right to health and adequate housing. Equally, the human rights perspective brings into focus that climate change is set to hit the poorest countries and communities the hardest.”
“The international human rights standards serve as a guide for measures to tackle climate change, underscoring the fundamental moral and legal obligations to protect and promote full enjoyment of the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the core universal human rights treaties.”
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Churches May 14th, 2012
Thanks to the European Africa Faith & Justice Network for the following information:
Bishops call for increased corporate transparency
Catholic bishops urge the European Union to legislate on extractive companies
While a group of EU member states, including Germany and the UK, are attempting to water down new EU transparency legislation, Catholic bishops from around the world urge the EU to push forward and require European Union-listed and large unlisted extractive companies to publicly disclose the payments they make to governments worldwide. In a joint statement, they say less stringent laws will fail to turn the curse of resource-rich developing countries into a blessing.
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