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Oblate JPIC Coordinator in Peru appointed Auxiliary Bishop February 3rd, 2016

Fr Carlos OjedaThe coordinator of the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission for the Oblate Delegation of Peru, Fr. Carlos Alberto Salcedo Ojeda, OMI, has been appointed auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Huancayo, Peru. The Vatican made the announcement on January 30, 2016. Bishop-elect Salcedo, OMI, has served in many parishes in Peru and worked in Oblate formation.

In a congratulatory message on Bishop-elect Carlos Salcedo, OMI’s appointment, Fr. Daniel LeBlanc, OMI, of the Oblate office at the United Nations, who also spent many years of ministry in Peru writes, “I have known Fr. Carlos Salcedo, OMI, since his catechistical work in his home parish – Sr. de los Milagros – “Lord of the Miracles” parish. Fr. Carlos is a genuinely happy and generally relaxed person. He is a great pastoral man with deep involvement in parish work.”

Bishop-elect Salcedo was born in 1960. He professed his first vows as an Oblate in 1989 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1996.

Since his ordination to the priesthood, he has served in various parishes in Peru. He has also been engaged in Oblate formation ministry within the Latin American Region, in particular as assistant Novice Master in Asunción, Paraguay (2008-2011). Before his appointment he was Coordinator of the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission for the Oblate Delegation of Peru.

There are about 812,000 Catholics in the Archdiocese of Huancayo, Peru.



Oblate JPIC Director facilitates Parish leadership retreat in California February 3rd, 2016

On January 30, JPIC director Fr. Antonio Ponce, OMI, directed a parish group’s leadership retreat at Santa Rosa Catholic Church in San Fernando, CA. More than 200 group leaders were in attendance. The theme of the retreat was “Mercy and Justice”, merciful, like the Father is merciful.  Thanks to the local pastors and parishioners for their hospitality and openness to host this event.  This is part of an ongoing JPIC office initiative to conduct outreach and animation at Oblate parishes.

San Fernando retreat 1-30

San Fernando Retreat 1-30pic2

San Fernando Valley retreat 1-30pic3





200th Anniversary Message From U.S. Provincial, Fr. William Antone, OMI January 27th, 2016

January 25, 2016     The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle
                                       200th Anniversary of the founding of the
                                      Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


Dear Brother Oblates and Friends,

We celebrate with gratitude our 200th Anniversary and we look forward with hope and deep faith to a new century as a Congregation at the service of the poor.

Read the full letter here.





Homily of the Superior General Fr. Louis Lougen, OMI, on the Occasion of the 200th Anniversary January 27th, 2016

Homily of the Superior General Fr. Louis Lougen, OMI, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate
– Aix-en-Provence – January 25, 2016

With a sense of reverence and affection for the Missionaries of Provence, our first fathers, we commemorate our beginnings exactly two hundred years ago in this very place. We stand on the shoulders of these men: Fathers De Mazenod, Deblieu, Tempier, Mie and Icard who left their homes and gathered here, to form a community for the work of the missions. Read the full Homily.




“Oblate hearts are stirred whenever we recall how the community began on this date in 1816 in makeshift quarters and with a certain poverty that did not discourage these first missionaries, but even evoked good humor and happiness.” – Superior General Fr. Louis Lougen, January 25, 2016


De Mazenod Conference – January 22-24, 2016, San Antonio, TX January 21st, 2016






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