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Despite Francis’ intervention, Georgia moves forward with execution (Catholic News Report) September 30th, 2015

In a letter to Georgia’s Board of Pardons and Paroles, Pope Francis has asked the state not to execute Kelly Gissendaner, who was put on death row for the 1997 killing of her husband. Gissendaner — a mother of three — is scheduled for execution at 7 p.m. ET Tuesday. Read entire article here: Despite Francis’ intervention, Georgia moves forward with execution



Pope Francis Calls For the Voice of Faith to be Heard September 29th, 2015




Pope Francis Highlights Responsible Business in Address to US Congress September 28th, 2015




Pope Francis Visits Washington, DC September 25th, 2015




Fr Seamus Finn OMI interviewed by Bloomberg TV and New York Times, Discusses Corporate Engagements September 22nd, 2015

Father-SeamusFr. Seamus Finn OMI was featured on Bloomberg TV morning show discussing socially responsible engagements with Bank of America. The live interview was aired Tuesday, September 22.

The New York Times also interviewed Fr. Seamus Finn OMI about the ongoing corporate engagements with Bank of America. At the core of the discussion is the shareholder action requesting a separate role as Chairman and C.E.O. of the company. Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI is Chief of Faith Consistent Investing – OIP Investment Trust and a Consultant to the JPIC office.

Find Bloomberg TV interview & New York Times interview here.




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