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Fr Seamus Finn OMI: What Pope Francis Can Teach the Presidents of Catholic Colleges and Universities (Huffington Post). September 21st, 2015

Father-SeamusIn his latest article for Huffington Post, Fr Seamus Finn OMI writes, Praxis has been paramount for Pope Francis from the first moments when he appeared on the balcony in St Peter’s square a little more than two years ago.

Before offering the traditional blessing by the newly elevated pontiff he bowed his head and asked the people in the square and those watching and listening through electronic media to pray for him.

In numerous other situations and opportunities he has demonstrated a similar affinity for choosing personal and practical actions that bring the commandments and gospel teachings to life. The example of the Holy Father can offer guidance to many leaders in Catholic institutions and organizations as they wrestle with one very pressing question.

Read Fr. Finn’s latest blog on Huffington Post…

Waiting for Pope Francis September 18th, 2015

papal-visit-2015-logo-usa-rgb-150[1]“When we are generous in welcoming people and sharing something with them—some food, a place in our homes, our time—not only do we no longer remain poor: we are enriched. I am well aware that when someone needing food knocks at your door, you always find a way of sharing food; as the proverb says, one can always ‘add more water to the beans’! Is it possible to add more water to the beans?…Always?…And you do so with love, demonstrating that true riches consist not in materials things, but in the heart!           

Pope Francis, Address to Community at Varginha – July 25, 2013.

The Apostolic journey of His Holiness Pope Francis to United States starts Tuesday September 22. Eager anticipation of Pope Francis’s visit is evident all around the Oblate house on Michigan Avenue, NE, in Washington, DC. As we glance over at the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception where Pope Francis will say Mass next Wednesday, September 23 – banners swing in the breeze, fences cordon off areas, cranes erect structures for the outdoor Mass and media are busy interviewing passersby.  Even a flowerbed in front of the basilica is being replanted into white and yellow pansies – the papal colors!

When he was elected in March 2013, one of the first things the new Pope Francis did was to appeal to the thousands of people in St. Peter’s Square to pray for him. No doubt he would welcome more of our prayers as we anticipate his visit. People wonder what will he say and do; what will surprise us? He will deliver several speeches, some in English and most in Spanish.


Last Wednesday September 16, Oblate JPIC staff attended a briefing event at U.S Congress, The Pope Francis Effect on Immigration: Protecting Families and Advancing the Common Good. Sponsored by the Justice for Immigrants, of which Oblate JPIC is a core member, the speakers addressed connections of Catholic Social Teaching and migration, challenges facing migrants at the border and in detention and political landscape regarding actions for immigration reform.

“As faith leaders across denominations and faith traditions, we resonate with Pope Francis’ concern for the poor and the planet, as with his call for a discussion of critical issues that transcends conventional divisions. We urge members of Congress – and all of us — to listen with open minds and hearts to his words and to work together, even across great differences, for the common good” said Washington Interfaith Staff Community (WISC) in a letter addressed to Members of Congress about Pope Francis joint address session. The letter was signed by leaders of national religious organizations and was sent to Members of Congress on September 16.


On September 24, Pope Francis will address a joint session of United States Congress. Thousands of people representing a diverse coalition faith groups, community leaders and student groups will join together to rally on the National Mall. The rally is a free public event for the Pope and will demand that our leaders #FollowFrancis and take bold action for climate justice.

Schedule Resource: 2015 Apostolic Journey Of Pope Francis To The United States Of America

  • The USCCB will provide live streaming coverage of all events of the Holy Father’s visit, and video on demand for most events where he will be speaking, see the full schedule of events. In addition, local television and radio stations may be providing live coverage. Check your local listings or your local diocese’s communications office for details.  For those interested in setting up a watch party using the USCCB live stream or video on demand.
  • Walking Pilgrimage to Papal Mass from Baltimore to Philadelphia. His Holiness Pope Francis teaches us about humility. He has also called us to serve and help the poor. During his visit to the United States in September, a small group of pilgrims will walk in his honor. Starting September 20 from the Baltimore Basilica, these pilgrims will walk 104 miles to Philadelphia to join with Pope Francis. This journey will take a week.,+2015&utm_campaign=UA-28648111-1+&utm_medium=email
  • OMI Lacombe Canada’s Office of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC) in partnership with St Paul University is pleased to invite you to attend a free live screening that will take place at St. Paul University (Ottawa, Ontario) on Friday, September 25th at 8:30 a.m. in room G103, first floor of the Guigues Pavilion. Following the Pope’s speech there will be a panel discussion with participation from the audience. Panelists include; Dr. Chantal Beauvais, Rector of St. Paul University, Fr. Ken Forster, Provincial OMI Lacombe and Mr. Joe Gunn, Executive Director, Citizens for Public Justice.

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2015 Labor Day Statement by U.S. Catholic Bishops:Importance Of Work In Building And Supporting Families. September 4th, 2015

“The continuing struggles of most families to make ends meet are on display before our eyes, both at home and abroad. This Labor Day, we have a tremendous opportunity to reflect on how dignified work with a living wage is critical to helping our families and our greater society thrive,” said Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski of Miami Chairman Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development at USCCB. Archbishop Wenski addressed the issue in the 2015 Labor Day statement of the U.S Bishops statement, which focuses on focuses on the relationship between work and the family. Read the 2015 Labor Day statement here.

Vatican Radio interview Oblate representative at UN about Laudato Si’ July 31st, 2015

Timage001[2]he Vatican Radio has interviewed Fr. Daniel LeBlanc OMI,Missionary Oblates General Administration representative to the United Nations and VIVAT in New York about the impact of Pope Francis Encyclical Laudato Si’ on United Nations deliberations.

Listen to Fr Daniel interview here

Tijuana: Oblate JPIC holding workshop series on the Encyclical Laudato Si. July 30th, 2015

Cover-of-English-edition-683x1024Oblates JPIC Director Fr. Antonio Ponce OMI is leading series of workshops discussing Pope Francis’ new environmental encyclical on the environment – On Care for Our Common Home (Laudato Si‘). Parish leadership, youth and catechetical leadership teams are attending the workshop, which is being held at San Eugenio Parish in Tijuana. Laudato Si workshop is a time for Prayer, Reflection and Discussion on how to take actions on Laudato Si.  The workshops on Laudato Si ends first week of August and we are hoping to expand to these workshop series to other Oblates parishes in the Province. JPIC expresses sincere gratitude to the parish of San Eugenio for the invitation and colloboration to Care for Our Common Home.

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