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Understanding Fracking: Catholic News Service series January 6th, 2014

Hydraulic_Fracturing-Related_ActivitiesDennis Sadowski, staff writer for Catholic News Service, has completed a series of articles on hydraulic fracking from a faith-based perspective. “It was a complicated issue to examine,” he informed Catholic Rural Life. Nevertheless, Sadowski provides a clear overview of this controversial energy source while blending in environmental justice teachings of the Church.

The Oblate JPIC Office has been engaging oil and gas companies on social and environmental issues related to fracking.

The six articles of the Catholic News Service series can be found via links posted on the Catholic Rural Life website.

Thanks to National Catholic Rural Life for this information.

Catholic Social Ministry Gathering, Feb. 2-5 January 6th, 2014

csmg-montage-2The 2014 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in Washington, DC, will reflect on Pope Francis’ vision of Becoming “a Church that is Poor and for the Poor.” The gathering is scheduled for February 2-5 at the Omni-Shoreham Hotel. There is still time to register if you want to attend.

The organizers at the USCCB have developed an exciting program around a theme that takes its inspiration from the words and vision of Pope Francis: Becoming “a Church that is Poor and for the Poor”.

Online registration closes on Friday, January 24, 2014.

For more information and to register, visit the USCCB website…


National Migration Week: January 5-11, 2014 January 4th, 2014

National Migration Week 2






Here are the Days of Action associated with National Migration Week:

See below for links to help with your actions.

Materials for National Migration Week:

USCCB News Release on National Migration Week 2014 | En Español

Advocacy activities you are urged to do during the week:

  • Tuesday, Jan. 7 – Send a JFI e-postcard for the national electronic advocacy day.
  • Wednesday, Jan. 8 – Participate in the JFI National Call-In Day to Congress.
  • Use the toll free number, 1-855-589-5698, to call your Representative and ask them to “Support a path to citizenship and oppose the SAFE Act.”
  • Thursday, Jan. 9 – Post on Facebook, Tweet, and re-Tweet your support for immigrants during the JFI National Social Media Day.

National Migration Week information sheet (PDF) This includes other other advocacy activities you can do:

Find out more at the USCCB/MRS´National Migration Week homepage.




National Migration Week 2014: Out of the Darkness December 20th, 2013

nmw-2014-montageThe Missionary Oblates JPIC Office will join the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and its Justice for Immigrants Campaign in celebrating National Migration Week, January 5-11.

The theme for the 2014 National MigrationWeek is “Out of Darkness”. This theme is an invitation to the faithful community to reflect and recommit in its support of migrants, especially the most vulnerable: the undocumented, refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking. These migrants are the most vulnerable and run the risk of violence and exploitation on the daily basis.

As part of the National Migration Week celebration, the USCCB Justice for Immigrants initiative will launch a postcard campaign, a national call-in day and a social media day. We encourage you and your local community to use the resources at the National Migration Week website at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Catholic Moral Concerns on Fracking December 20th, 2013

Anti-fracking protest in Pittsburg, photo: Marcellus Protest/Creative Commons.

Anti-fracking protest in Pittsburg, photo: Marcellus Protest/Creative Commons.

Catholic News Service has a good article on fracking that looks at the church’s contribution to the discussion about this rapidly expanding source of energy in the U.S. Catholic social teaching focuses on the importance of protecting creation and promoting the common good, and the emphasis in this debate has been on the moral concerns.

Some bishops have raised concerns. While not supporting a ban, Bishop Paul D. Etienne of Cheyenne, Wyo., president of Catholic Rural Life, said he harbors deep concerns over fracking. “I think the public needs more information than is presently being provided about the chemicals in this mix that is being injected into the earth to release the gas and oil,” he told Catholic News Service.

The bishop also expressed apprehension about the amount of water fracking requires, especially in parts of the country where water is a precious commodity.

Learn more. Read the Catholic News Service article: Catholic voices raise moral concerns in country’s fracking debate.

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