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Diverse Coalition Calls for Transparency as the Senate Undertakes Comprehensive Tax Reform July 26th, 2013

wordle-4-transparency-camp20101The Missionary Oblates joined a diverse group of civil society organizations concerned about reports that Senate correspondence on comprehensive tax reform would be kept secret for 50 years. The groups called for greater transparency in the Senate deliberations, arguing in a letter sent to Senate Finance Committee leaders, that “transparency is essential for your final product to have credibility with the public…. Taxpayers across the United States have a right to know what their elected officials are advocating and what their justification is. We strongly urge you to reconsider this approach that smacks of backroom deals. The House Ways & Means Committee urged lawmakers and outside interests to submit their priorities and made them public. We urge a similar approach.”

Read the letter…


Faith-Based Investors Urging Bold Action with Companies on Climate Change July 26th, 2013

The Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) recently released a white paper on engagement with the energy sector to address the serious risks posed by rapidly rising levels of CO² in the atmosphere. The paper is, in large part, a response to the fossil fuel divestment campaign coordinated by, and serves to lay out a range of responses open to concerned investors in response to the looming climate crisis.

Read: Insights for Investors Working for Bolder Intervention on Climate Change

Stop Trafficking!! July 15th, 2013

masthead-blankThe July issue of Stop Trafficking! contains compelling stories from the US State Department’s 2013 Trafficking in Persons Report. Stop Trafficking! is sponsored by the Sisters of the Divine Savior.

Download the Newsletter…



Oblates Join Anti-Nuclear Protest in Kansas City July 15th, 2013

Oblate Superior William Antone, OMI joined Carl Kabat, OMI last Saturday in at an anti-nuclear weapons protest in Kansas City. They were among two dozen protestors who were arrested at the PeaceWorks rally at the Honeywell Plant. The plant is managed and operated by Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies, which produces 85 percent of the nonnuclear material used in the United States nuclear bomb arsenal.

Those arrested had crossed onto Honeywell property. Roughly 60 people were present, with quite a few young people from Catholic Worker communities.

The Catholic Worker Community has posted photos of the protest on Flickr. View them here…

See pictures of the protest from KSHB, a local news station…

National Catholic Reporter has a good story on the action…



Make Wall Street Accountable to Main Street July 15th, 2013

derivative-bombTell New York Senators Gillibrand and Schumer that derivatives regulation should not be delayed!!

Five years ago, unchecked derivatives trading in the U.S. threatened the entire global financial system. Countless citizens lost their jobs, homes and pensions, as risky lending fueled by unregulated derivatives fomented the mortgage crisis. 

Join the Missionary Oblates and other members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) in demanding derivatives reform now.

Sign on (as an individual) to the petition available at

Please post to your Facebook site and Tweet to spread the word.

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