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Immigration Reform Legislation Introduced April 18th, 2013

550348_493525247363661_99657107_nSenators introduced, late on Tuesday, an 844-page immigration reform bill in Congress called the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act.” The bill aims to make the most substantive changes to immigration laws in nearly three decades.

The bi-partisan “Gang of Eight” Senators and staff have been working tirelessly to create a bi-partisan solution that attempts to fix the broken immigration system in the United States. Read the bill here…

In the coming weeks the bill will be analyzed, and the JPIC Office will share opportunities to get involved.

Thanks to the Senators involved, who should be commended for having the courage to tackle this difficult issue.



Exploring the Sacred Universe Earth Literacy Program April 15th, 2013

OEI_logoThere is still time to register for the week long transformative learning experience at the Oblate Ecological Initiative! The program runs from Sunday, August 4 to Sunday, August 11, 2013.

Join OEI staff and participants for a week of storytelling as the group explores the Universe Story, the Story of the Stars, Planets and Galaxies, Earth’s Story, the Human Story, and the story of our special region of life. Learn how these stories can provide a transformative context for the story of your evolving life. Together participants will enjoy delicious vegetarian meals, camaraderie with other learners, and the stunning view from the bluffs.

Register now and receive a short reading list to help you prepare. For details visit the OEI web site or call 618-466-5004 and request a registration form.


Faiths Calling to Prevent Gun Violence – April 9th! April 7th, 2013

The debate in advance of the Senate vote is about to begin! Call your Senators on April 9th and urge them to act to prevent gun violence. Ensure that the voices of faithful Americans ring throughout the halls of Congress. Demand that we enact universal background checks – and pass other needed gun violence prevention measures such as bans on semi-automatic assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, gun trafficking laws, and improved access to mental health services. Take Action and More information at:


Oblate Ecological Initiative Director Given Spiritual Leadership Award April 5th, 2013

299246_491156507600535_271437340_nOn March 23rd, 2013, Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSND, director of the Oblate Ecology Initiative was awarded the “Spiritual Leadership Award” by the Center for Spirituality and Sustainability (CSS), interfaith campus ministries at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. Congratulations, Sr. Maxine!!

See more photos on the OMI JPIC Facebook page… 



8578320498_52151d7b40_nOn April 10th, faith leaders and communities will join thousands of union members, immigrants and supporters in sending a message to lawmakers: Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform in 2013! The Rally for Citizenship will be held on the West Lawn of the U.S Capitol Building in DC

View Rally for Citizenship here

April 10th is the anniversary of the largest mobilization for immigrant rights in recent history (April 10, 2006) when over 70 cities across the US took action to encourage the Congress to take actions on real Immigration reform.

Supporters for immigration reform will educate, march, rally, pray and knock on the doors of Congress until commonsense immigration reform that includes a realistic path to citizenship.



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