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Peace & Life Connections: January 25 January 25th, 2013

We reproduce the Consistent Life “Peace & Life Connections” weekly newsletter on this website. If you are interested in more information, or in subscribing to the e-newsletter directly, please visit Please note that we do not edit the content of this publication.

January 22, 2013 – 40 Years

The March for Life this year is being held January 25, so next week’s issue should report on our Consistent Life activities there. Meanwhile, the Red Letter Christians published a “Dialog on What it Means to be Pro-life” for the occasion, with CL Endorser Shane Claiborne and Tony Campolo. It explicitly mentions the consistent life ethic.

Click here to read more »

March for Life 2013 January 18th, 2013

The March for life this year is on Friday, January 25th . March for Life is an annual march in Washington DC to protest the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion.

Big crowds for the annual March for Life protest are expected to hit Washington, as hundreds of thousands of pro-life supporters attend the 40th anniversary event.

Each year, Missionary Oblates in Washington, DC host seminarians attending the March to Life rally. We are looking forwarding to hosting a group of seminarians again in 2013.

Learn more at


Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence January 17th, 2013

On January 15, Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence, a diverse coalition of organizations united by the call of faiths to confront America’s gun violence epidemic and to rally support for policies that reduce death and injury from gunfire, sent a letter to the 113th Congress. Religious leaders representing 40 different faiths signed the letter urging the President and Congress to urgently take action to respond to the gun violence crisis in the United States. The letter was released to the public during the press conference at the United Methodist Building in Washington DC.

To read the letter and learn more, visit

Lenten Rice Bowl and more from NCRLC January 17th, 2013

For the full e-newsletter from the National Catholic Rural Life Conference, click here…

CRS Lenten Rice Bowl webinar, Jan. 17

Each year during Lent, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) promotes their Lenten Rice Bowl campaign to raise funds and educates Catholic youth on international relieve and development work. Part of the education includes an examination of climate impacts on the work of CRS around the globe.

CRS will host a webinar on their Lenten Rice Bowl program Thursday afternoon, January 17. The webinar is designed to provide information on integrating Rice Bowl activities into a parish youth ministry program. Parish directors of religious education, youth ministers, youth ministry teams, catechists and other parish staff and volunteers are encouraged to join in the webinar.


2013 Farm Bill: Will Congress act this year?

Click here to read more »

New Year’s Resolutions and Corporate Social Responsibility January 10th, 2013

The year-end transition is again replete with the consideration of resolutions concerning possible changes in behavior, activities or other patterns of action. Little seems to be known or reported about how many of these benchmarks or objectives are fulfilled or about how contented those who made resolutions are as the New Year unfolds.

Read Fr. Seamus’ latest blog on Huffington Post…

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