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Updated Disaster Relief Information from HUD November 9th, 2012

For those affected by Superstorm Sandy: Please find the latest disaster relief information from the Department of Housing and Urban Development here (Download PDF)

Included is information on:

  • Where to find Food & Shelter
  • How to access Federal Disaster Assistance
  • Disaster Recovery Centers – location and hours
  • Health & Safety Tips after the storm
  • Mortgage Assistance Information
  • Information on unemployment benefits
  • How to report suspected fraud
  • How to avoid home repair scams

Peace & Life Connections: November 9, 2012 November 9th, 2012

 We are now reproducing the Consistent Life “Peace & Life Connections” weekly newsletter on our website. If you are interested in more information, or in subscribing to the e-newsletter, please visit

A Pass to Catholic Politicians? Say What? 

Many have argued in favor of the bizarre notion that the consistent life ethic is actually a liberal scheme to allow Catholics to vote for politicians who don’t oppose abortion. This is strange, of course, since anyone who doesn’t oppose abortion cannot, by definition, be following the consistent life ethic. We do the opposite: if politicians are in fact good on our other issues, we challenge them to be consistent on abortion as well. We also hope that pointing out the connections of violence may help persuade them to oppose abortion. Additionally, of course, we’re not just Catholic, but pride ourselves on the religious and philosophical diversity we represent.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel had a November 1 article making this criticism, and then also published a response. We encourage our readers to post comments and/or send in letters to the editor to strengthen the understanding of what our ethic really is.

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Interfaith Investors to Score Banks November 6th, 2012

The Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, an influential investor coalition, will issue scorecards for the seven largest US banks next year, based on factors such as risk management and executive compensation.

The coalition has been influential in the field of corporate governance, pushing on issues such as “say on pay”, an advisory shareholder vote on executive compensation, which was included in the Dodd-Frank financial reform act.

ICCR has sent questionnaires to the seven largest US banks: Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Bank of New York Mellon, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo. Sustainalytics, a provider of environmental social governance research, is partnering on the research.

Reverend Séamus Finn of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate said in the organisation’s annual report: “What is frustrating for many of us is the knowledge that the vast majority of these problems can be avoided by adopting the appropriate risk management safeguards and the requisite checks and balances. With each new scandal we think ‘maybe this time they will get it’, and then we open the morning paper to see that we still have work to do.”

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Oblate Helps Develop Young Citizens in Texas November 3rd, 2012

Kids Voting USA-Brownsville mock-election results are in, reflecting a 65.5% voter turnout. Father Armand Matthew, OMI helped found the organization and is still involved at age 90. He said, noting the high turnout, “Studies show that when young people go through Kids Voting, the adults in their life become more informed and more people are voting,” Matthew said. “Based on the evidence, we have a real hope in Brownsville of seeing 50, 60, 70 — even 90 percent — of adults turning out to vote, and of students leaving high school with a deep sense of responsible citizenship.”

Responding to two questions included on the ballot, eighty-one percent of the student voters said they had researched their choices by studying the student voter guide created by Kids Voting USA-Brownsville, and just under 92 percent said the experience of having voted via Kids Voting would motivate them to vote in the future.

Find out who won the mock election – read the article about Kids Voting USA-Brownsville in the Brownsville Herald.

Peace & Life Connections Newsletter – November 2, 2012 November 2nd, 2012

We are now reproducing the Consistent Life “Peace & Life Connections” weekly newsletter on our website. If you are interested in more information, or in subscribing to the e-newsletter, please visit

“Should We Stop Using Robots That Randomly Kill Children?”
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The American Conservative has run an excellent article called “Pro-life Means Anti-Drone” that directly connects abortion and killing by drone, because both use similar excuses to kill innocent children. 

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Victoria Kennedy: Life-Ending Ballot Question is Cruel  

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