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Show Us the Money September 12th, 2012

The conventions of the two dominant political parties at the end of the summer have unleashed a torrent of mass media, social media and traditional coverage of the major personalities and agendas…

In his latest blog on Huffington Post, Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI discusses the influence of the vast amounts of corporate money unleashed by the Supreme Court decision, Citizens United, and the efforts by faith-based and socially responsible shareholders to press for greater transparency of corporate political contributions. 

Read “Show Us the Money”…

See the Oblate Community Supported Garden in Action! August 30th, 2012

There is a new video on the OMI JPIC You Tube Channel exploring the La Vista Community Supported Garden, narrated by Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSND.

In this video, Sister Maxine walks through the garden to show what shareholders expect to get on a seasonal basis. She also talks about some of the programs offered by the Oblate Ecological Learning Center.

This video was produced by Will Shaw, Oblate Media and Communications.


New SEC Rules to Reduce the Use of Conflict Minerals August 29th, 2012

The Missionary Oblate JPIC Office applauds the final rules adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to restrict the use of Congo conflict minerals and increase transparency in extractives-related payments.

On August 22, the Securities and Exchange Commission, in a 3-2 vote, adopted a rule requiring public companies to disclose information about their use of minerals from the Democratic Republic of Congo where militias linked to atrocities have profited from mining minerals. Conflict minerals mined in war-torn Congo are essential to the manufacture of high-tech electronics, jewelry and other goods. The rule is know as Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

Click here to read more »

Support the Robin Hood Tax August 7th, 2012

A small tax on Wall Street that could transform Main Street

The “Robin Hood” Tax – a small tax on financial transactions – has the power to raise hundreds of billions every year to provide funding for jobs to kickstart the economy and to get America back on its feet. It could help save the social safety net in the US and around the world.

As proponents say: Not complicated. Just brilliant.

The tax would have the added benefit of slowing down the destructive computerized high frequency trading that doesn’t add value to the real economy, but rather undermines the stability of the financial system. High frequency trading has the potential to cause havoc in markets for commodities like wheat and gasoline, which are central to our economies and the lives and well being of hundreds of millions of people.

A tax of less than a half of one percent could raise hundreds of billions of dollars a year. We pay sales taxes, while Wall Street pays nothing.

Support the Robin Hood tax. Show your support here…


Ten Days for Peace August 3rd, 2012

The month of August in Japan begins with a focus on peace. ‘Ten days for Peace’ (Aug. 6-15) is a very important time for the country, as well as for the church in Japan, but especially for the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Please join the Oblates and others who are remembering this weekend in prayer, and working for peace in the world.

A National Event Calendar shows 71 events planned across the United States this weekend to honor the victims of the US bombings and to call for an elimination of all nuclear weapons.

View the calendar and find an event:

Read the address from Leo Jun IKENAGA, S.J., Archbishop of Osaka, President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan (Download PDF)


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