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Fr. Carl Kabat Returns to Kansas City Plant for a July 4th Nuclear Weapons Protest July 12th, 2012


Fr. Carl Kabat, omi with fellow anti-nuclear activist, Joshua Armfield

Fr. Carl Kabat, omi entered the property at a nuclear bomb plant under construction in Kansas City  on July 4, as he did last year. He named his action the 85% Pruning Hooks action – the title stems from the fact that the plant produces approximately 85% of the non-nuclear components for our nation’s nuclear weapons. Fr. Kabat also has re-styled Independence Day as “Interdependence Day” in honor of the interconnection of all nature.

Fr. Kabat faces three criminal charges after cutting through a fence and entering the grounds of the Kansas City Plant, a major new nuclear weapons facility under construction, to call attention to its building. The priest’s action represents the latest in a years-long campaign by activists to call attention to the facility’s construction.

Protests at the site, construction of which is estimated to cost $1.2 billion and scheduled to be partially operational by early 2013, have been led in part by area Catholics who have also been leading petition campaigns to remove funding from the site. One of the petitions, focused on developing a plan for reuse of the facility should it be abandoned in light of weapons cuts, was unanimously passed by the local city council in March.

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Arizona Bishops’ Statement on Immigration law SB 1070 June 29th, 2012

On Monday, June 25, the Supreme Court ruled on the controversial Arizona Immigration law SB1070. The Arizona Catholic Bishops Conference released a statement signed by five bishops in reaction to the Supreme Court ruling on SB1070.

Read the statement here…

Faith-Based Investors Applaud U.S. Supreme Court’s Reaffirmation of the Affordable Care Act June 28th, 2012

Citing Access and Affordability as an Immutable Human Right, Members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility Welcome Resolution of the Legislation’s Standing

New York – Today members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, a faith-based shareholder coalition that has long advocated for health care reform, celebrate the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the constitutionality of the major provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) first enacted in March of 2010.

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Relief for Young Undocumented Immigrants June 15th, 2012

The Missionary Oblates JPIC office joins other faith leaders in applauding the Obama Administration for its recent announcement to grant relief from deportation for undocumented youth brought to the United States as children, and who have been raised and educated in communities around the country.

This compassionate action will grant deferred action and offer a work permit to eligible, undocumented young people. The policy change will allow these young people to live in the United States without fear of detention and deportation and to get the education they need to better their lives and communities.

Read a summary from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops on the Executive Order. (Download PDF)

The immigration announcement is built on the courage and dedication of DREAMers, religious organizations and community grassroots organizations from across the country that have been taking advocacy actions to demand relief from deportations for immigrant youth.

Thanks to everyone who advocated on behalf of undocumented young people who faced deportation through no fault of their own. This couldn’t have happened without you.

Explore Tax Justice in the Movie “We’re Not Broke” June 14th, 2012

The FACT Coalition (a campaign of the Tax justice Network USA) in raising questions about the real causes of the financial crisis. According to the movie We’re Not Broke, “conservative pundits and politicians continue to push a false narrative. America hasn’t gone broke, we’ve been robbed. Corporations have spent years dodging their responsibilities and not paying their fair share.”

Locate a screening of the film We’re Not Broke accompanied by an in-depth discussion of the real cause of our financial crisis on the website of The Fair Share Tour.


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