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Homily of the Superior General Fr. Louis Lougen, OMI, on the Occasion of the 200th Anniversary January 27th, 2016

Homily of the Superior General Fr. Louis Lougen, OMI, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate
– Aix-en-Provence – January 25, 2016

With a sense of reverence and affection for the Missionaries of Provence, our first fathers, we commemorate our beginnings exactly two hundred years ago in this very place. We stand on the shoulders of these men: Fathers De Mazenod, Deblieu, Tempier, Mie and Icard who left their homes and gathered here, to form a community for the work of the missions. Read the full Homily.




“Oblate hearts are stirred whenever we recall how the community began on this date in 1816 in makeshift quarters and with a certain poverty that did not discourage these first missionaries, but even evoked good humor and happiness.” – Superior General Fr. Louis Lougen, January 25, 2016


De Mazenod Conference – January 22-24, 2016, San Antonio, TX January 21st, 2016






Cardinal Timothy Dolan on 43rd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade January 21st, 2016

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the archbishop of New York issued a statement for the 43rd anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Decision asking us to recommit ourselves to a vision of life and love and to unite in prayer and action for the protection of life at every state and in every circumstance. He opens his statement by recognizing the tragic irony that every year in December we celebrate “the birth of the baby Jesus, fruit of Mary’s humble ‘yes’ to God’s gift of new life…and then we turn, as we must each year, to recall a legal decision that said ‘no’ to new life and has deprived a whole class of people – pre-born babies – of their right to life.”

Cardinal Dolan invites us to ask where we are 43 years after Roe v. Wade and where we need to go – how best to present our pro-life vision to others. He notes that many Americans “who support important goals of the pro-life movement do not identify as ‘pro-life’. [Therefore] let us never be distracted by the false charge that this life-affirming cause is merely a political or partisan issue. It is an essential moral vision that lifts up every human person…May God bless our efforts to uphold human life!”

How to get involved:

1)  Read the full text of Cardinal Dolan’s message.
2)  Prayer. A 14 – hour prayer vigil begins Thursday at 5:30. A full schedule of Washington events can be found here. For those who are unable to attend in-person, join us by praying in your own communities.
3)  Action. Many cities around the country will be holding pro-life rallies on Friday. Attend one close to you and encourage others to do the same.

The Roman Missal designates January 22nd as a particular day of prayer and penance. Consider using these resources in your local parishes.




43rd Annual March for Life Scheduled for January 22 — Washington, DC January 20th, 2016

The 43rd Annual March for Life will take place in Washington, DC on Friday, January 22, 2016 at 12 noon on the National Mall. U.S. Roman Catholic and Orthodox Bishops will open the rally with prayer at 12 noon. The rally will be followed immediately by the march to Capitol Hill and the Supreme Court.

More information is available at . . or by calling 202-234-3300.



The Winter 2016 JPIC Report is Now Available On-Line! January 15th, 2016


The Winter 2016 issue of the JPIC Report is now available online. It will soon be available in print form. Download the Winter 2016 JPIC Report here.

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You can download past issues of the JPIC Report in the Resources section of the website.





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