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Bring Back Our Girls! May 13th, 2014

Nigerian Oblate Father Ali Nnaemeka Cornelius, OMI writes about the plight of the abducted schoolgirls in Nigeria, prays for the return of the abducted girls and urges for more actions to free them. In the article Fr. Cornelius says, “There are therefore certain reasons that brought us to where we are today. What the world maybe has not known before is that Boko Haram has been causing much other serious havoc in Nigeria over the years. The only problem is that for many reasons we have been dying in silence.”

Read the article at the weekly blog publication of the US Missionary Oblates JPIC office



Pentecost Toolkit on Immigration May 13th, 2014

Justice_for_Immigrants_logo_CNA_11_8_13Justice for Immigrants, the immigration campaign of the USCCB, has created a Pentecost toolkit of resources that parishes, Catholic agencies, religious communities and other JFI supporters can begin to use today.

They also have many copies of the booklet, A Catholic Teaching on the Issue of Immigration, which would be useful for Catholic groups and parishes. If you want copies of the booklet(s), or if you have any questions about the Pentecost toolkit, please call The Justice for Immigrants Team, 202-541-3165 or email via their website.


OIP joins Domini and other Shareholders in urging Google to pay its fair share of taxes May 11th, 2014

googleevilMany companies claim they are forced by shareholders to dodge taxes in order to maximize profits, but what would a company do if its shareholders insist that it actually pay its fair share in taxes?

A group of Google shareholders, headed up by Domini Social Investments, may soon find out. The group has filed a proposal for consideration at the shareholder annual meeting asking the company to adopt a set of principles regarding taxes. The shareholders are recommending that the principles include consideration of any “misalignment between tax strategies and Google’s stated objectives and policies regarding social and environmental sustainability.”

The proposal comes after several widely publicized stories about Google’s aggressive tax planning which moves billions of dollars annually to offshore tax havens. In 2012 alone, Google dodged an estimated $2 billion in income taxes by shifting an estimated $9.5 billion to offshore tax havens.

Continue reading this story from Citizen’s for Tax Justice…



Become a SHEPHERD May 8th, 2014

Become-a-SHEPHERDAs Catholics we are called to seek ways that each of us can work with our dioceses and communities to combat human trafficking. This can be done through prayer, education, and responsible consumerism.

Visit to learn more about Becoming a SHEPHERD or email to request the SHEPHERD toolkit guide – now available in both English and Spanish – to help you educate your parish and community about human trafficking.

If you have already used the SHEPHERD toolkit, please fill out this quick survey from the USCCB campaign! They are looking for your feedback!

End the Quota! May 7th, 2014

CMSM J/P Action Alert

We would like to share this Action Alert from the CMSM, JPIC Office. Please take action today!


CALL IN DAY: Wednesday, May 7th 

This Wednesday, May 7, 2014, people directly impacted by detention, advocates, faith communities, and members of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men will take part in an advocacy day on Capitol Hill asking members of Congress to End The Quota.

Amplify their voices by calling your member of Congress on Wednesday, May 7th, and tell them Congress should eliminate the detention bed quota, which ensures funding to keep an average of 34,000 immigrants locked up in ICE detention facilities on any given day.

What You Can Do to #EndTheQuota

1. Call your Senators and Representative  
Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Sample Script:

My name is ________ calling from [CITY, STATE]. As a constituent, I oppose funding for the immigration detention bed quota, which ensures that 34,000 immigrants are incarcerated in ICE detention facilities at any given time. I urge you to contact members of the Appropriations Committee, Homeland Security Subcommittee, and tell them that you oppose the immigration detention bed quota. If the bed quota is included in appropriations, I hope you will support an amendment to strike it from the final appropriations bill.


The detention bed quota is an unprecedented policy – no other law enforcement agency operates on a quota system. Immigration detention is a huge waste of taxpayer dollars, with ICE’s detention budget nearing 2 billion dollars for Fiscal Year 2014. During a time of fiscal responsibility, it is unacceptable to be spending billions of dollars to needlessly detain immigrants in an inhumane system that is breaking apart families and communities. Meanwhile, for-profit prisons such as GEO and CCA lobby for such legislation to make money off of detaining immigrants and breaking up families. 

We encourage you to schedule a meeting either in DC or in the district office) to follow-up after your call. 

2. Did you call or meet with your Member of Congress?

Tell us how it wentWe need your help in tracking which Members of Congress will help us end the quota!

3. Tweet today about the advocacy day and your opposition to a bed quota with #EndTheQuota.

Sample Tweets:

TODAY @DetentionWatch & @CAMBIOtoday bringing families, faith leaders & advocates @uscapitol to say #EndTheQuota  , #stopice & #Not1More , #DWN14

.@RepHalRogers Immigration detention bed quota is wasteful & unnecessary. No other law enforcement uses a bed quota! #EndTheQuota#Not1More

.@houseappropsgop  Immigrants are not numbers to fill a bed quota & line pockets of #privateprisons corporations! #EndTheQuota #2million2many

.@SenateApprops ICE detention & deportations are breaking apart families & costing taxpayers billions #EndTheQuota! ,#Not1More  and  #2million2many

.@SenLandrieu Detention bed quota costs nearly $2 billion & prevents real immigration reform! Counting on you to #EndTheQuota #2million2many

With Hope,

Eli McCarthy PhD  

Office of Justice and Peace
Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM)
8808 Cameron Street, Silver Spring, MD 20910



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