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World Migration Report 2013 September 26th, 2013

wmr2013_thumbThe International Organization for Migration (IOM) has published its annual report on migration, World Migration Report, 2013: Migrant Well-being and Development. This comprehensive look at migration patterns and the well being of migrants is available as a PDF download from the IOM website. It is available in English, French and Spanish.

According to the IOM website, “Many reports linking migration and development concentrate on the broad socioeconomic consequences of migratory processes, and the impact of migration on the lives of individuals can easily be overlooked. In contrast, the WMR 2013 focuses on migrants as persons, exploring how migration affects quality of life and human development across a broad range of dimensions.”

Sr. Barbara Aires, SC and Vidette Bullock Mixon Winners Of ICCR’s 2013 Legacy Award September 18th, 2013

Leaders in shareholder advocacy to be honored at ICCR’s “Breaking the Bonds” event on 9/26 in NYC.

08goldman_CA0-articleInlineThe Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) has announced the recipients of this year’s Legacy Award. Sr. Barbara Aires SC of the Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth, NJ and Vidette Bullock Mixon of Wespath Investments will be honored at the ICCR annual fundraising event in New York on September 26. The ICCR Legacy Award was created to honor those whose work has provided a strong moral foundation and an enduring record of demonstrated influence on corporate policies.

Learn more about these leaders in faith-based shareholder advocacy…

Help Save SNAP/Food Stamps September 18th, 2013

4-6 Million People will go hungry if the budget for SNAP/Food Stamps is slashed

snapCall your Representative, toll-free: 866-456-8824* TODAY, Tuesday, September 17

The U.S. House is expected to take up a bill this week that would cut SNAP by $40 billion over ten years. Every Member of Congress needs to hear that such an extreme proposal is unacceptable. Food stamps have had bipartisan support for decades. (See Stop Playing Politics with Hunger by former Senators Bob Dole and Tom Daschle in the Los Angeles Times as an expression of that bipartisan support.) But now, extremist Members of Congress want to slash SNAP and hurt millions of children and their families, seniors, and poor adults without children.

*TODAY: Call 866-456-8824, listen to the recorded message and enter your zip code. You’ll be connected right to your Representative’s office. Let them know you’re a constituent; tell them your name and the town you are calling from. Tell them:

As your constituent, I urge you to vote against the extreme nutrition-only farm bill which would cut $40 billion from SNAP and deny assistance to 4-6 million poor people. This bill would be devastating to struggling Americans; by making more people hungry, it goes against many years of bipartisan support.

What’s bad about this bill? A few points: the bill would deny SNAP to millions of poor, jobless adults without children whose

Click here to read more »

The Business of Guns September 13th, 2013

TheBusinessOfGuns-posterGun manufacturing and sales is big business in the United States – surprisingly big business. America is the global leader in terms of gun ownership. There are nearly 9 guns for every 10 Americans, a proportion 40% gun ownership rate that Yemen, which ranks second in the world.

Learn more about the scope and strength of the gun industry in this one minute video designed for MBA students. Watch The Business of Guns here.

Take action on the proliferation of guns. Visit:  Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence


“U.S. Poverty and Our Catholic Response” – Webinar on September 19 September 12th, 2013

07Is poverty on the rise in our country? How are children, the elderly, and other vulnerable groups faring? Policy experts with the Domestic Social Development office of the U.S. Catholic Bishops are broadcasting a webinar to explore recent poverty data and what it means for national and local advocacy efforts.

This free webinar is set for Thursday, Sept. 19, from 2-3 pm (Eastern). Register for the webinar here.

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