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Toolkit for Business on Reducing Child and Forced Labor July 31st, 2013

INDIA-CHILD-LABOUR“Reducing Child Labor and Forced Labor: A Toolkit for Responsible Businesses” is guidance from the US Department of Labor designed for companies to help them make sure they are not using forced or child labor in their operations or their supply chain. It is very clear and comprehensive.

We all know someone who owns or has a responsible position in a business – spread the word! Access the toolkit here….

The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that there are 215 million children in child labor worldwide, 115 million of them in hazardous forms of work. It also estimates that 21 million people are in forced labor, six million of them children.

By utilizing this toolkit, companies show that they are concerned about these grim statistics. Using the tool-kit reduces the chance that their products — and the raw materials they come from — are manufactured, mined or harvested by children who should be in school, or by workers locked in sweatshops or forced into work through false promises or threats.

In order to effectively combat the risks of child labor and forced labor in a company’s operations and global supply chains, it is essential to have a comprehensive and transparent social compliance system in place. The goal of this toolkit is to assist companies that may not have such a system, as well as companies whose existing systems may need strengthening — particularly in the areas of child labor and forced labor.

Diverse Coalition Calls for Transparency as the Senate Undertakes Comprehensive Tax Reform July 26th, 2013

wordle-4-transparency-camp20101The Missionary Oblates joined a diverse group of civil society organizations concerned about reports that Senate correspondence on comprehensive tax reform would be kept secret for 50 years. The groups called for greater transparency in the Senate deliberations, arguing in a letter sent to Senate Finance Committee leaders, that “transparency is essential for your final product to have credibility with the public…. Taxpayers across the United States have a right to know what their elected officials are advocating and what their justification is. We strongly urge you to reconsider this approach that smacks of backroom deals. The House Ways & Means Committee urged lawmakers and outside interests to submit their priorities and made them public. We urge a similar approach.”

Read the letter…


Faith-Based Investors Urging Bold Action with Companies on Climate Change July 26th, 2013

The Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) recently released a white paper on engagement with the energy sector to address the serious risks posed by rapidly rising levels of CO² in the atmosphere. The paper is, in large part, a response to the fossil fuel divestment campaign coordinated by, and serves to lay out a range of responses open to concerned investors in response to the looming climate crisis.

Read: Insights for Investors Working for Bolder Intervention on Climate Change

Water Pollution in Bangladesh Threatens Human Health and Agriculture July 16th, 2013

Rivers and canals in Bangladesh are becoming increasingly polluted from industrial wastewater dumped by factories, many of them in the textile industry, The New York Times has reported. Leather tanneries are also a significant source of toxic pollutants to the air and water. The water pollution threatens food production and is raising both environmental and human health concerns.

Human Rights Watch issued a report late last year on the human health effects of unchecked pollution from the leather industry. The report, Toxic Tanneries, documents an occupational health and safety crisis among tannery workers, both men and women, including skin diseases and respiratory illnesses caused by exposure to tanning chemicals, and limb amputations caused by accidents in dangerous tannery machinery. Residents of the area where the tanneries are located are also seriously affected. The government has consistently failed to enforce labor and environmental laws in Hazaribagh, a suburb of Dhaka, and has ignored High Court orders to clean up or move the tanneries.

Read the NY Times article…

Read the HR Watch report…

Stop Trafficking!! July 15th, 2013

masthead-blankThe July issue of Stop Trafficking! contains compelling stories from the US State Department’s 2013 Trafficking in Persons Report. Stop Trafficking! is sponsored by the Sisters of the Divine Savior.

Download the Newsletter…



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