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December Action Alert – Let’s Avoid Another Meltdown! December 3rd, 2009

wallbullTake Action to Protect People and the Planet

    – Support Creation of a Consumer Financial Protection Agency
    – Join the Call for Derivatives Reform
    – Ring Your Church Bells – Send a Message to Copenhagen!

      Learn more and take action – click here for our December Action Alert

      Irish Bishops Issue Climate Change Statement November 30th, 2009

      The bishops of Ireland released a major statement on climate change earlier this month. They invite all, “to reflect on ‘that covenant between human beings and the environment, which should mirror the creative love of God, from whom we come and towards whom we are journeying’ (CV n. 50).”The statement has an accompanying DVD.

      Learn more…

      Faith Groups Advocate Pro-Poor Agricultural Policies at USTR November 30th, 2009

      bag of riceFourteen representatives of the InterFaith Working Group on Trade and Investment, including Séamus Finn, OMI – Director of the Oblate JPIC Office, called on the US Trade Representative to support measures to aid small farmers in developing countries. In a symbolic gesture, the faith groups delivered more than 100 bags of rice to emphasize the need for trade rules that would enable poor countries to protect their populations from sharp spikes in food prices. The IWG members met with USTR trade negotiators the day before Thanksgiving, within 72 hours of their leaving for a WTO Ministerial meeting in Geneva.

      Click here to read more »

      World AIDS Day 2009 – Focus on Universal Access and Human Rights November 24th, 2009

      world-aids-day-logoDecember 1st each year is World AIDS Day. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV. The global HIV/AIDS pandemic is a major health and development issue. AIDS also continues to present pastoral challenges to the Church. Missionary Oblates in South Africa are regularly working directly with and supporting people living with HIV/AIDS.

      Click here to read more »

      Annual SOA Vigil and Direct Action: November 20-22, 2009 November 11th, 2009

      nov09palmcardfrontThe annual Vigil and Direct Action to shut down the School of the Americas is happening on November 20-22, 2009. Activists are converging on Fort Benning, Georgia to call for an end to the SOA and the demilitarization of US foreign policy. Despite promising comments from President Obama during his election campaign, the SOA/ WHINSEC is still in operation and the Pentagon is moving forward with plans for new U.S. military bases in Colombia.

      Register for the event and learn more about SOA Watch…

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