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Civil Society Organizations Engage IMF on Governance Reform September 29th, 2009

2007082750430801On September 8, 2009, representatives from civil society organizations (CSOs) met with the IMF Executive Board in an informal seminar at Fund Headquarters to discuss CSO recommendations on IMF governance reform. New Rules for Global Finance is coordinating the consultations, known as the Fourth Pillar Process. The Missionary Oblates, an active member of New Rules, was represented at the meeting by Seamus Finn, OMI.

The IMF just published an article about the consultation which is available in English, French and Spanish:

English: Report On The Civil Society (Fourth Pillar) Consultations With The International Monetary Fund On Reform Of IMF Governance

Français: Rapport Sur Les Consultations De La Société Civile (Quatrième Pilier) Avec Le Fonds Monétaire International Sur La Réforme De La Gouvernance Au FMI

Español: Informe Sobre Las Consultas Entre La Sociedad Civil (El Cuarto Pilar) Y El Fondo Monetario Internacional Sobre La Reforma De La Estructura De Gobierno Del FMI

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Stand Up Against Poverty September 26th, 2009

standup2Millions of people around the world will Stand Up and Take Action from October 16 to 18 to show their support for the fight against poverty and for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

This year a deepening financial crisis and a slowing global economy pose great challenges for development in general and for the MDGs in particular.

In 2007, 47 million people Stood Up. Last year, 116 million people Stood Up and Took Action.

Join them in 2009. For information and suggestions go to

SEAL THE DEAL on Climate Change September 26th, 2009

SEAL THE DEALThe United Nations has launched the “Seal the Deal” campaign that encourages users to sign an online, global petition that will serve as a reminder that our leaders must negotiate a fair, balanced and effective agreement in Copenhagen in December, and that they must seal a deal to power green growth, protect our planet and build a more sustainable, prosperous global economy that will benefit all nations and people.

For more information, or to sign on, go to:

Lift the Debt Burden on Poor Countries September 21st, 2009


Without debt relief, the developing world has little hope of economic progress, say the Rev. John Welch* and Ruth Messinger*.

The two members of Jubilee USA argue for debt cancellation in the poorest countries in a compelling article published in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette on the eve of the G-20, the international financial summit being hosted by President Obama.

Click here to read more »

September JPIC Action Alert! September 21st, 2009

Take action now on these important issues:

Please click here for our Action Alert.

Thank you for taking action.

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