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World Youth Conference in Mexico: August 23-28, 2010 August 23rd, 2010

The World Youth Conference opened today in Mexico City. It is an initiative of the Government of Mexico, in partnership with the United Nations system and civil society organizations designed to bring together government representatives and civil society organizations to identify priorities of action on youth to be addressed in the international development agenda beyond 2015. With five years to go before the deadline set by the international community to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, Mexico, in partnership with the United Nations system, has invited all countries to participate in the World Youth Conference 2010.

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UN International Year of Youth August 13th, 2010

International Youth Day was celebrated at United Nations headquarters in New York on August 12th with the global launch event of the International Year of Youth. The event was a celebration of young peoples’ energy, imagination and initiatives and will recognize their crucial contributions to enhancing peace and development.

To guide the celebrations of the International Year of Youth, the United Nations has developed the Framework Approach highlighting three key objectives for the Year, namely: increased commitment and investment in youth, increased youth participation and partnerships, and increased intercultural understanding among youth. Use these objectives to guide your activities related to youth. The complete Framework Approach is available at

UN Approves Consensus Resolution on Human Right to Water August 5th, 2010

On July 28th, the UN General Assembly voted in favor of a right to water and sanitation resolution that was introduced by the Bolivian government. 124 states voted for the resolution and 42 abstained, including the U.S. No state voted against the resolution.

While the resolution is not legally binding, it is an important step toward the formal recognition of the Human Right to Water by the international body. The UN Human Rights Council has been deliberating this issue for several years and advocates hope this consensus vote in favor of the right to water will stimulate that work further.

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Continued Call for AIDS Treatment at 2010 AIDS Conference in Vienna August 5th, 2010

This report comes from the 2010 International AIDS Conference which took place July 19-23 in Vienna, Austria. The Missionary Oblates JPIC offices were represented by Fr Tomáš Vyhnálek OMI, the JPIC coordinator for Europe based in Vienna. He also represented the Oblate JPIC offices in Washington D.C and the General office in Rome.

The 18th international Aids conference in Vienna ended Friday with one strong message: Despite the financial crisis the fight against HIV/AIDS must not decrease.

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Act Now for Responsible Finance and Debt Cancellation July 23rd, 2010

dropthedebtPlease take action to press for responsible lending and desperately needed debt cancellation for poor countries – Click here for our Action Alert.

This Alert also includes an action to Make Mercury Pollution a Thing of the Past.

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