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Faith Groups Raise Climate Change Concerns with Senate November 12th, 2009

Church Climate Change Activists with Sen Schumer

Sen. Schumer listened to climate activists Rajyashri Waghray (CWS), Christina Herman (Oblate Justice, Peace/Integrity of Creation), Esmeralda Brown, (UMC) after they delivered Countdown to Copenhagen postcards to his legislative aide.

The Oblate JPIC Office joined other faith groups and denominations on November 4th, in sponsoring a climate vigil focused on the justice dimensions of climate change.

The Climate Vigil, followed by Senate visits, was organized by Church World Service, the National Council of Churches and United Methodist Women. Faith groups have been emphasizing the need to focus on the impacts of climate change on the poor, particularly those in developing countries, who are most affected yet who bear the least responsibility.

A Senate bill approved by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee would require industry to make a 20 percent cut from 2005 emissions levels for carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases by 2020. The bill is expected to go to the Senate floor early next year.

The churches are also concerned that the US carry a strong position to rein in climate change when countries meet to set targets in Copenhagen in December. Church World Service has spearheaded a yearlong Countdown to Copenhagen sign-on campaign in the US. World leaders will try to agree on a plan in Copenhagen to extend the Kyoto Protocol climate change agreement. The United States has not yet signed on to the Kyoto Protocol, yet the pressure is on to take action soon. Scientists have recently predicted that inaction in reining in rising temperatures from global warming will result in huge economic and social costs, highlighting the need for all countries to shift away from carbon-intensive forms of energy production.

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Clergy Resources for Advent on Torture November 10th, 2009

Torture is a Moral Issue…

The National Religious Campaign Against Torture has created excellent materials for clergy to use during Advent. Advent 2009: Resources for Christian Clergy provides commentary on the scriptures and sermon notes that help connect the scriptures with today’s national dialog on the use of torture.

Learn more and download the resource…

Worrying Signs for Global AIDS Funding November 6th, 2009

An international non-governmental organization has warned that rich donor governments were showing signs of retreating on their commitment to increase access to life-saving treatment for AIDS patients. In a new report by the Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF): Punishing Success: early signs of retreat from commitment to HIV/AIDS care and treatment, two major funders of AIDS treatment in poor countries – the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) were reported to be considering either scaling back or freezing their funding levels.

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October 16 is World Food Day! October 15th, 2009

world-food-dayOctober 16th is World Food Day. Celebrate using multimedia, songs, and liturgical and reflection materials found on the JPIC Passionist website.


October 16 World Food Day:  Materials and multimedia.

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‘Global Impact and Vulnerability Alert System’ Warns of Increased Poverty Ahead September 29th, 2009

The severity and pervasive character of the economic crisis continues to push millions into poverty, reversing some of the hard-won development gains of the past decade, according to a new United Nations report on the impact of the crisis.

The report – Voices of the Vulnerable: the Economic Crisis from the Ground Up – supplies a sobering picture of the crisis’ impact on people and households around the world. The key message of the report is that, while we may be seeing the “green shoots” of recovery, the economic crisis far from over for hundreds of millions of people around the globe.

The report and supporting materials are available online at:

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