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An Inside Look at COP28-Dubai from VIVAT International December 15th, 2023

Clear light bulb with hand and tree encased

(Image by Iván Tamás from Pixabay)

Conference of the Parties (COP), organized by the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), brings nations of the world together to address the global climate change crisis. The most recent gathering, COP 28, took place from Nov. 30 – Dec. 12, 2023 in the United Arab Emirates, a controversial venue given that nation’s status as a major oil producer. 

OMI JPIC is a member of VIVAT International, an NGO of 12 Catholic Religious Congregations working in 120 countries to promote human rights through advocacy at international and local levels.

VIVAT International was represented at the conference in Dubai and gives a report on deliberations during the first week:

COP28: the Role of Food Systems in the Climate Crisis Will Get More Attention Than Ever December 1st, 2023

Comments by Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI

(Image by Rosy/Bad Homburg / Germany, Pixabay)

Day One of COP28 started with an agreement on a “Loss and Damage Fund,” whereby the countries who have caused most of the destructive consequences of climate change will make substantial financial contributions to help developing countries address the challenges that they face from climate change.
On the 2nd day, the Role of Food Systems in the Climate Crisis got more attention and is addressing such topics as deforestation, meat and dairy amounts in diets and food waste. Let’s hope and pray that the negotiators will stay at the table long enough and keep in mind not just their own interests but the Common Good of all humanity  including the health of the planet.
Finally let’s remember that each of us are called to examine our own lifestyles and see how we can contribute to finding solutions to this urgent challenge.
Practical Ways To Live Sustainably: 

World Wide Technology Employees Engage in Corporate Volunteering at La Vista November 27th, 2023

By Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSND

La Vista Ecological Learning Center’s usual monthly workday in the Missionary Oblates Woods Nature Preserve became unusual when seven young people from World Wide Technology joined our efforts.  This company grants employees one day a year to do service, and this group, wanting to do something ecological, chose La Vista.

For the hours we were together in our important pursuit of restoring health to the forest by removing invasive bush honeysuckle, we felt a wonderful sense of belonging.  We belonged to a group of volunteers, for sure, but in a broader sense we felt our belonging to the larger Earth community so in need of healing.

We extend our gratitude to World Wide Technology for supporting outreach in the broader community!


Vatican Conference Encourages Adoption of Mensuram Bonam November 15th, 2023

by Christopher Cox, Executive Director at Seventh Generation Interfaith Coalition for Responsible Investment
Meeting goers, two males and two females People sitting in a meeting facing the stage
Recently, I had the honor to represent SGI at the Mensuram Bonam (For Good Measure, Luke 6:38) Conference hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in Rome. The conference drew about 120 people from around the globe to reflect upon the document and the state of faith-consistent investing. Participants included clergy and religious and lay persons who serve within religious congregations, archdioceses and dioceses, asset advisors and managers, banks, foundations, and faith-based investor coalitions.
The conference gathered us a few days after the Vatican’s Synod on Synodality concluded, and so we dialogued, in the synod’s spirit, with deep listening to others alongside a commitment to co-responsibility. The conference aimed to to prompt collaborative learning and reflection on Catholic Social Thought, using Mensuram Bonam as a source and guide in faith-consistent investing. We shared lessons, ongoing questions, best-practices, and dreams. Practically, the conference identified certain future collaborations to advance the faith-consistent investing movement.
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) members had a significant role in the conference. Fr. Séamus Finn O.M.I. was one of the organizers.

OM JPIC Represented at Events in New York & Washington, DC November 8th, 2023

Our colleague, Bayor Ngoltoingar represented OMI JPIC at the UN:

  The 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, which took place in September, focused on achieving the 2030 Agenda and putting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) back on track.

She also represented the office at Africa Faith & Justice Network’s 40th anniversary celebration:

To celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the founding of the Africa Faith and Justice Network in 1983, on October 13-14 AFJN held a two-day event to highlight its history, showcase the rich diversity and culture of the African peoples, and celebrate their many wonderful accomplishments.


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