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Action Alert: Urge Congress to Continue to Protect Trafficking Victims July 12th, 2017

The U.S. House of Representatives may be considering H.R. 2200, the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Act of 2017. We urge you to voice your support!

H.R. 2200 would reauthorize the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA). The TVPA, the original foundational anti-trafficking legislation in the U.S., was created in 2000 and has been reauthorized four times by overwhelmingly bipartisan votes. H.R. 2200 was introduced by Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ-4) and Representative Karen Bass (D-CA-37) on April 27, 2017.

Supporting H.R. 2200 is an important step the United States can take to demonstrate our nation’s continued efforts to eradicate human trafficking and assist human trafficking victims. H.R. 2200 ensures critical funding for both domestic and international anti-trafficking programs. Reauthorizing the TVPA helps ensure that victims are able to continue to access programs and services that recognize the importance of dignified care.


Take Action by sending the following message:

Dear Representative,

As a concerned Catholic, I urge you to support H.R. 2200. I firmly believe in the dignity of the human person and this belief calls on me to protect the most vulnerable, including victims of human trafficking. H.R. 2200 is important, as it reauthorizes the TVPA, providing service provisions that will aid victims. Supporting H.R. 2200 will ensure that our nation’s efforts to eradicate human trafficking and assist human trafficking victims continue.

I thank Congress for its long-standing commitment to confront modern-day slavery. As a Catholic, I stand ready to support victims and appreciate your work to eradicate human trafficking.

Send the message from this link:

Click here to read the US Bishops’ letter of support for H.R. 2200.


Take Action to Oppose Senate Version of Better Care Reconciliation Act July 6th, 2017


The Senate has postponed its vote on the health care bill, the 2017 Better Care Reconciliation Act— but negotiations continue, and the bill could soon come to the floor. Please contact your Senators and urge them to vote against the bill as it stands and make changes in favor of the poor and vulnerable. This legislation takes funding for healthcare coverage from our most vulnerable individuals and families and uses it for tax cuts for some of our most wealthy citizens.

The US Bishops have expressed deep concern and are asking for changes to the bill before Congress votes. Visit USCCB’s action center to send a pre-written alert to your Senators or write your own. Ask them to act with compassion and draft a better health care bill.

Visit USCCB’s Action Center to contact your Senator:

Read a Catholic Health Association article about the healthcare bill.

Showing Solidarity with Refugees and Muslims July 5th, 2017

A report from the Denis Hurley Centre, Durban, South Africa

We had two opportunities this month to show solidarity with our neighbors, especially important since Refugees and Muslims are often groups who are kept at a distance and treated with suspicion.

June 20 was UNHCR’s World Refugee Day. The Denis Hurley Centre’s (DHC) Refugee Pastoral Care worked with other organizations in the Refugee Service Providers’ Network to offer a great day of activities in our Gandhi-Luthuli Peace Hall. Live music was provided by René Tshiakanyi a French-Congolese singer, songwriter and guitarist, who also entertained the crowds outside in the Mall. A film about corruption in Senegal was screened followed by a discussion and opportunities for people to get to know each other. Food was then served for hundreds. Pleasingly, the event was attended not only by refugees from many different African countries but also by South African nationals keen to break down barriers. 

(Members of the 3 Abrahamic religions breaking the Ramadan fast with dates. (From l to R) Sr. Cathy Murugan, HF, Sufiso Duma with Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI) and Ohad Rooiblatt, an Israeli volunteer with project TEN (Project TEN is an international development program that operates volunteer centers in developing areas).

The next day, being one of the last days of Ramadan, we encouraged non-Muslims to observe the fast as a way of joining in prayer with our Muslim brothers and sisters across the city and across the globe. Then at 5pm, as the rays of the sunset filled the upstairs room, we broke the fast accompanied by our Muslim partner organizations, Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI), Grey Street Mosque, South African National Zakáh Fund (SANZAF) and RAUF (Refocus and Upliftment Foundation).

A good conversation was held about Ramadan traditions and our healthcare team were able to find out ways to help the many Muslim patients who come to our clinic. Delicious snacks and drinks were then enjoyed by all.

Denis Eugene Hurley, OMI, was the South African Roman Catholic Vicar Apostolic of Natal and Archbishop of Durban, South Africa. He died in 2004. The Denis Hurley Centre is a community center created as a place of Care, Education and Community responding to the needs of people in the heart of Durban, South Africa. Visit the Center’s website:


Learn about the Environmental Work of Oblates Around the World July 5th, 2017

Learn about the environmental work of Oblates around the world.

Interfaith Health Coalition Hold Successful 23-hour Prayer Vigil June 30th, 2017

An Interfaith Health Coalition held a 23-hour prayer vigil at the U.S Capitol in Washington, DC from June 28-29, to voice concerns about Medicaid cuts in the health care bill currently being negotiated in Congress. They prayed and shared testimony about the millions of people who will be impacted by the Senate bill. Among the speakers were Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA), Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), several members of the House of Representatives and Repairers of the Breach President and Pastor, Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II. A long line of speakers also included high profile Rabbis, a Native American speaker, clergy from various faith denominations, heads of NGOs and a representative from the American Muslim Health Professionals.

As part of the vigil the Catholic community held a sunrise service on June 29.  Sponsors included:

  • Franciscan Action Network
  • Columbian Center for Advocacy
  • Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
  • Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
  • Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States
  • Conference of Major Superiors of Men
  • National Advocacy Center for the Sisters of the Good Shepherd

Missionary Oblates JPIC endorsed the 23-hour prayer vigil to express our commitment to a just healthcare system that includes the poor. JPIC staff also attended the vigil.

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