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Environment Sunday ~ June 3 May 4th, 2012

Thanks to Eco Congregation Ireland for this information. Please check out their website for guidance on taking your parish through a process of becoming environmentally aware and responsible.

Environment Sunday this year falls on June 3, two days before World Environment Day (June 5) and two weeks before the Earth Summit.

Is your church holding a special service or event to mark Environment Sunday? A walk/cycle to church Sunday? A nature walk? A litter pick? Or a work-party in the church grounds or locality?

The international Christian environmental organization, A Rocha, has produced materials for Environment Sunday in recent years. See

A Rocha chose the first Sunday in June, or the nearest Sunday to World Environment Day, for Environment Sunday because this time of year – early summer – is most suitable for outdoor events. It is easier to see and enjoy flowers, butterflies, birds and other wildlife at this time. Furthermore, UN World Environment Day  is June 5th.

The 2012 parish resource pack is on the topic of Trees and Forests.


Impacts of Mining Exhibit at the UN hosted by VIVAT International May 1st, 2012

The Missionary Oblates and VIVAT International will host a multi-media exhibit on the impacts of mining operations on people and ecosystems around the world on May 8th at the United Nations. This unique exhibit will be up for viewing from 11:00-3:00 pm in the Chapel at the Church Center for the United Nations. May 8th is the second day of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, the theme of which is the Doctrine of Discovery. The exhibit organizers have reached out through their global faith-based networks for stories and images from local communities affected by mining operations. If you are in New York on May 8th, please attend!

Goals of the exhibit include:

  • Bearing witness to the suffering of the Earth and its peoples as a consequence of extractive industry abuses;
  • Underscoring the necessity of industry standards in preventing mining abuses; and
  • Revealing the courageous resistance of peoples all over the world to inadequate extractive industry standards.

At 2:30, there will be a special 15 minute commemoration of those who have been murdered around the world as a result due to their community resistance against the consequences of extractive industry on their communities.

Event details (Download PDF)

Developing a Multi-Faith Global Statement on Extractives Industries April 27th, 2012

On April 24, Philippine Bishop Dinualdo Guttierez, D.D. and Bishop Bejoy D’ Cruze OMI from Bangladesh joined the JPIC staff in attending a conference designed to develop a multi-faith global statement on extractives industries. The meeting was held at the National Cathedral in Washington D.C.

Participants came from major faith groups and leading international NGOs from all continents. A multi-faith global statement on extractives will serve as a shared common document that people of faith can use when dealing with issues of extractives. The meeting was initiated and facilitated by the Bank Information Center and the Oblate JPIC office.

Participants in the April 2012 Multifaith Conference on Extractives Industries

Spring/Summer Issue of JPIC Report now available! April 26th, 2012

The Spring/Summer Issue of our bi-annual print newsletter is now available on-line. (Download the PDF…)

This issue includes articles on Global HIV/AIDS funding, a new organic farm at Oblate headquarters in Washington, the human reality at the US/Mexican border, shareholder advocacy in the financial sector, human trafficking and environmental issues: from biodiversity loss and climate change to OMI JPIC work in solidarity with Bangladeshi colleagues and new solar panels on an Oblate church in California.

Powerful US Bishops/United Methodist Church Statement Marks Earth Day April 26th, 2012

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the United Methodist Church (UMC) marked Earth Day 2012 with the release a joint statement on the Eucharist and the environment. The statement, Heaven and Earth are Full of Your Glory, affirms that both Methodists and Catholics believe their celebration of the Eucharist helps them to see God’s glory in all of creation and therefore leads to greater care for the environment.

The document says: Jesus chastises the Pharisees for being able to interpret the appearance of the skies while being unable to interpret the signs of the times (cf. Mt 16:3). In our time the appearance of the skies has become a sign of the times. The threat of climate destabilization, the destruction of the ozone layer, and the loss of bio-diversity point to a disordered relation between humankind, other living beings and the rest of the earth (emphasis added).

The elements of nature—grain for bread and grapes for wine—become part of salvation through the Eucharist and that salvation itself is an act of God at work in all of creation and all creation encountering God.

Additionally, the document call[s] both Methodists and Catholics to participate more deeply in the Eucharist by recognizing its intrinsic connection with the renewal of creation.

Bishop William Skylstad, retired bishop of Spokane (and honorary chairman of the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change) and Methodist Bishop Timothy Whitaker of the UMC Florida Conference co-chaired the dialogue.

Read the entire statement here.



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