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Norway Conducts First Creditor Debt Audit August 20th, 2013

6a00d8341c7ee953ef017d3bfe5cac970cAugust 15 was an historic day for international debt justice. The Norwegian government launched the world’s first audit commissioned by a creditor, which evaluated the debt that developing countries owe to Norway. The report found that four of the 34 contracts were not in line with the UN Principles for Promoting Responsible Sovereign Lending and Borrowing from the UN Conference for Trade and Development (the UNCTAD Principles).

Learn more from Eurodad …


2013 Labor Day Statement & Resources by U.S. Catholic Bishops August 20th, 2013

Screen-Shot-2013-07-01-at-7.09.45-PM-620x412Every human being enjoys a basic right to be respected, not because of any title, position, prestige, or accomplishment but first of all because we are created in the image and likeness of God. From an ethical and moral perspective we embrace the exhortation of St. Paul “to anticipate one another in showing honor” (Rom 12:10).

Labor Day is an opportunity to take stock of the ways workers are honored and respected. Earlier this year, Pope Francis pointed out, “Work is fundamental to the dignity of a person…. It gives one the ability to maintain oneself, one’s family, to contribute to the growth of one’s own nation.”

Unfortunately, millions of workers today are denied this honor and respect as a result of unemployment, unjust wages, abuse, and exploitation.

2013 Labor Day Statement by Bishop Stephen Blaire


Thanks to the National Catholic Rural Life Conference for this alert.


For Nuns and Analysts Alike, Bank Commodity Earnings are a Mystery August 11th, 2013

1250-Exchange_Traded_CommoditiesThe Oblates are concerned about the lack of disclosure by banks of their commodities market activities. Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI dialogs on behalf of the Oblates with major financial institutions like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase. He was quoted extensively in a Chicago Tribune article that does a good job of describing the issue. (Read the article)

“Driven by a determination to invest in a socially conscious way, Finn’s group has been concerned about banks’ commodities activities since 2008, when a spike in energy and agricultural products caused food riots in Africa. The issue is whether banks’ trading activities artificially drive up food prices. … While the country’s largest banks are required to disclose their activities in some consumer-facing businesses such as mortgages, there is no similar requirement for them to do so on the commodities side.”


Join the 8th Day Center Celebration: Revel in the Revolution! July 31st, 2013

Revel-2013-logo-sidebarSave the Date: 8th Day Center for Justice invites you to their annual celebration, Revel in the Revolution, on Saturday, September 21!

The theme for the revelry is Roll Away the Stone, featuring Sr. Pat Farrell, OSF, who will share her thoughts on how we roll away the stone during these times of austerity in the Church and the world.

The 3rd Annual Mary Elsbernd, OSF Award will be presented to immigrant justice and anti-torture activist Sr. Benita Coffee, OSB.

There are many ways to support the event…

Click here to make your reservation today or to get more info! 

Tickets: $60 | $30 for student/limited income.

Volunteer Tickets: $15 suggested donation. 
Contact to volunteer.

Can’t make the event? Consider a donation! 

Click here to purchase raffle tickets and participate in the online silent auction! 

Revel in the Revolution: Living Out Loud

Presented by 8th Day Center for Justice

Saturday, September 21, 2 – 5pm

Irish American Heritage Center

4626 N. Knox Ave Chicago 60630

Contact: Joyce (, 312.641.5151)


Diverse Coalition Calls for Transparency as the Senate Undertakes Comprehensive Tax Reform July 26th, 2013

wordle-4-transparency-camp20101The Missionary Oblates joined a diverse group of civil society organizations concerned about reports that Senate correspondence on comprehensive tax reform would be kept secret for 50 years. The groups called for greater transparency in the Senate deliberations, arguing in a letter sent to Senate Finance Committee leaders, that “transparency is essential for your final product to have credibility with the public…. Taxpayers across the United States have a right to know what their elected officials are advocating and what their justification is. We strongly urge you to reconsider this approach that smacks of backroom deals. The House Ways & Means Committee urged lawmakers and outside interests to submit their priorities and made them public. We urge a similar approach.”

Read the letter…


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