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Oblate Garden Featured in the Washington Post September 23rd, 2014


Gail Taylor, farmer on the Oblate property in Washington, DC

An article in the Sunday Washington Post featured the garden at the Oblate Headquarters in Washington in a piece on the DC Urban Agriculture bill under consideration by the City Council.

Roberto De Jesus Silva OMI, our visitor from Brazil, is featured in the photo attached to the article and has been a regular volunteer with the Saturday group.

Read the article here.


JPIC Report Fall/Winter 2014 Issue Now Available On-Line September 17th, 2014

JPIC-Report-logoThe Fall/Winter 2014 issue of JPIC Report is now available on line as a PDF. It will soon be available in print form.

Please contact Mary O’Herron in the JPIC Office if you want to be added to the mailing list.

You can find all issues of JPIC Report on this website in the Resources section. (Download a PDF of the latest issue)


Victory at the UN! September 9th, 2014

Is-Illinois’-Debt-Worse-than-it-Seems-Chicago-Bankruptcy-AttorneyDespite a disappointing no vote from the United States, the UN General Assembly earlier today voted 124 – 11 to begin negotiations for an international bankruptcy process to end global inequality. The process can potentially stop vulture funds from preying on vulnerable countries and create a global economy that serves all of us.

Unfortunately, the United States government was one of only 11 countries to vote against this treaty process. While the US government is against predatory behavior, they are against this approach. We have much work left to do because today’s UN vote will not outlaw global predatory activity in the United States, one of the most important financial jurisdictions.

Read Jubilee USA’s press release and analysis of the vote here.

Yesterday, we asked you to contact United States UN Ambassador Power and urge her to support the resolution, and we thank everyone who spoke out on this issue. Thousands of faxes, calls and emails were sent to Ambassador Power in response to this request from Jubilee USA and Network members. Churches, synagogues, the AFL-CIO and dozens of Catholic religious orders joined you and amplified our message.

We will continue to update our network on this important issue. For information and analysis on the international debt, please visit Jubilee USA

Revel in the Revolution! September 8th, 2014

RevelPlease join the 8th Day Center on Saturday, September 20, as they celebrate their 40th Anniversary! This year’s Revel in the Revolution will feature keynote speaker José López, the Executive Director of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, and the presentation of the 4th Annual Mary Elsbernd Award to Rasmea Odeh of the Arab American Action Network. This 40th birthday will be celebrated with dancing, lunch, raffles, and a silent auction. Please join in the fun!





Saturday, September 20, 2014

2:00 – 5:00pm

Jean Marie Ryan Center

Misericordia Campus

6300 N. Ridge Avenue


Click Here to Register


Urge a Yes Vote on the Urban Ag and DC Food Security Bill of 2014 September 8th, 2014


The Garden at 391 Michigan Ave., NE at the Oblate headquarters in Washington, DC

If you live in Washington, DC, please join us in supporting the Urban Agriculture and DC Food Security Bill of 2014. The legislation is moving through the City Council this month, and your voice is needed!

DC City Council Member David Grosso, who spent time visiting the Garden at 391 last April, introduced this legislation, with the idea of building on the legacy of the urban farming act of 1986 and the DC Healthy Schools Act of 2010. This bill takes those initiatives a step further by opening up more public and private land to grow healthy food. Passage of the Urban Agriculture bill is very important as a way to develop local food growing capacity.

Gail Taylor, the farmer of the lower field at the Oblate headquarters in Washington, DC has been building the soil and productivity on the city plots that make up Three Part Harmony Farm for the last 3 years, but she and her fellow farmers need these policy changes to take the next step to really grow (in so many different ways!).

Please get involved in this brief grassroots effort to make sure the City Council knows how important this issue is to residents of DC.

Contact the Chairman and members of the DC City Council Finance and Revenue Committee. They are currently in the mark up phase of the bill.

Please feel free to use these points as a guide:

“Hi, My Name is:

I live in Ward:

I’m calling/ emailing to let you know that the D.C. Urban Agriculture and Food Security Act of 2014 is an important piece of legislation for our city and that I hope it will be passed soon.

• The Act encourages private, District landowners to lease their land for agricultural purposes and encourages urban farming on unused city owned land in response to problems of blighted property.

• The Act responds to the District’s continued struggle to address chronic hunger amongst residents with a local solution: encouraging urban farmers to donate a portion of their produce to District-based food banks and shelters.

• The Act enables urban farmers to sell their produce both on and off the leased land, bringing easy, fresh food access to neighborhoods across the city, including those currently identified as food deserts.

Thank you!”


Please write or call:

Thank Grosso and Cheh for their leadership, and the other supporters of the bill as well:

Thanks to Three Part Harmony Farm for the information in this post. For more information on Three Part Harmony Farm, visit:


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