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Urge Your Senator to Vote for Strong Financial Reform and Consumer Protections February 11th, 2010

Jim Wallis of Sojourners Magazine argues forcefully that now is the time to press our Senators to vote for strong financial reform and consumer protections. Blogging about an interview with Elizabeth Warren, the Harvard economist who is Chair of the TARP Congressional Oversight Panel, Wallis conveys her deep concern about the lack of regulation over the financial sector.  As he writes, “She makes the urgent case for reform with the compelling analysis of a top economist, the family values of a grandmother, and the moral arguments of a person of faith.”

Read Wallis’ blog on his interview with Elizabeth Warren…

Oblates Join Broad Coalition in Call for Reform of Financial Markets February 8th, 2010

big-boardCommodity Markets Oversight Coalition and Americans for Financial Reform Call for Reforms that Could Have Prevented Economic Crisis and Commodities Bubbles

The Missionary Oblates, long active in shareholder advocacy, have been pressing for major reforms in derivatives trading and commodity speculation in their dialogs with major banks and other financial services institutions. Recently, the Oblates joined a broad coalition calling for needed reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat of last year’s financial meltdown.

Advocates for financial reform have formed a powerful partnership with business interests ranging from heating and motor fuels retailers to cotton marketers, and trucking companies to airlines, and this new alliance is calling on Congress and Federal Regulators to bring derivatives out of the shadows and into the daylight.

Read the Coalition’s “Joint Statement of Shared Principles for Needed Reforms in the Futures/Derivatives Markets.”

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Protest the Attack on Bangladeshi Indigenous Peoples’ Advocate and Oblate Friend: Sanjeeb Drong January 24th, 2010

Sanjeeb DrongSanjeeb Drong survives but fears further attacks…

Mr Sanjeeb Drong, an important advocate for human rights and indigenous peoples in Bangladesh and SE Asia, and good friend of the Oblates, was brutally attacked last Friday by a group of hired thugs. He and his wife were travelling home from a meeting with the Bishop and a Diocesan Committee. Sanjeeb fled from his attackers and was rescued by the Bishop and several priests who then took him to a hospital. He is now safe in Dhaka. His wife was unharmed.

Please call on US government officials and your elected representatives to press for an inquiry in Bangladesh. Use our suggested letter.

Read our Action Alert, learn more…

Zambia: Oblate Bishop Paul Duffy Attacked for Speaking on Behalf of the Poor January 21st, 2010

2africa5Oblate Bishop Paul Duffy of Mongu diocese, who has been doing missionary work for the last 25 years in Zambia’s Western Province, called on the Government of Zambia to help the poor by fulfilling a campaign promise to rebuild the main road and provide more economic opportunities for local people.

Click here to read more »

World Bank Joins the IMF in Seeking Debt Reduction for Haiti January 21st, 2010

haitian debtThe World Bank announced today that it is taking steps to cancel Haitian debt owed to the institution. The institution announced a $100 million grant on January 13 in response to the earthquake. The Bank released this statement:

“Currently, Haiti’s debt to the World Bank, which is interest-free, is about $38 million—about 4% of Haiti’s total external debt. Due to the crisis caused by the earthquake, we are waiving any payments on this debt for the next five years and at the same time we are working to find a way forward to cancel the remaining debt.”

Learn more…

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