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Civil Society Groups Urge President Obama to Press for Greater Financial Regulation September 21st, 2009

The Missionary Oblates joined with over 50 organizations representing some  eight million Americans in sending a letter to President Obama urging him to advocate for strong regulation needed to prevent future financial crises.

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September JPIC Action Alert! September 21st, 2009

Take action now on these important issues:

Please click here for our Action Alert.

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New Issue of E-Justice, Peace/Integrity of Creation Letter Available September 8th, 2009


The September issue of the Oblate E-JPIC letter is now available. The newsletter is published in English, French and Spanish.

Download PDF of English Newsletter
Download PDF of Spanish Newsletter
Download PDF of French Newsletter

Fall 2009 Issue of JPIC Report Available On-Line September 8th, 2009

september-2009-jpic-newsThe Fall 2009 issue of JPIC Report, the newsletter of the US Justice, Peace/Integrity of Creation Office of the Missionary Oblates is available on line. This issue features updates on Sri Lanka, Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Oblate work on faith responsible investing and much more.

Read the Fall 2009 Issue (Download PDF)

U.S. Catholic Bishops Visit Zimbabwe and South Africa September 8th, 2009

zimbabwe4-752333A delegation of American Catholic bishops has recently visited the church in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Bishop John H. Ricard of Pensacola, Florida, and Bishop John C. Wester of Salt Lake City, Utah visited Zimbabwe from August 26 to 28. They then traveled to  South Africa where they stayed until September 6th, and where they were joined by Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, retired Archbishop of Washington D.C.  The purpose of the delegation was to observe first-hand the important humanitarian aid work done by the Church, especially in fighting HIV/AIDS and poverty. The bishops are members of the USCCB Subcommittee on Africa. They visited church officials and projects funded by the Pastoral Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa which raises money in the US to help the Church in Africa.

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