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Faith Groups Call on Obama to Infuse Stimulus Package with Economic Justice January 16th, 2009

The Oblates and others in the ecumenical faith community have written President-Elect Obama calling for moral leadership that works for justice, stewardship, and sustainability for God’s community. In addition to providing resources to stimulate economy, a stimulus package should also foster the common good and invest in a vibrant, sustainable economy that protects God’s creation and God’s people.

Learn more…

Doha Financing for Development Conference Calls for Greater Development Financing Despite Economic Crisis January 14th, 2009

Seamus Finn, OMI and Sr. Zelia Cordeiro SSPS of VIVAT International at the Doha Conference

Seamus Finn, OMI and Sr. Zelia Cordeiro SSPS of VIVAT International at the Doha Conference

The Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus was held in Doha, Qatar, on 29 November – 2 December 2008. The Conference adopted the Doha Declaration on Financing for Development with three key messages:

  1. strong commitment by developed countries to maintain their ODA targets irrespective of the current financial crisis;
  2. recognition that the United Nations has a vital role to play in addressing new challenges and emerging issues in financing for development; and
  3. decision to hold a UN Conference at the highest level on the impact of the current financial and economic crisis on development.

Learn more in this summary of the Doha Conference from the NGLS and FFD Secretariats…

Help the world: Work for justice January 14th, 2009

“If you want Peace, work for Justice.”
– Pope Paul VI, Jan. 1, 1972

Always, but especially now at the beginning of a new year, this is wise counsel for every member of the human family, of every religious persuasion (or none) – Peace defined broadly, i.e., not just the absence of war but the pervasive presence of justice. Justice defined broadly, i.e., the common good; that is, the situation in which everyone’s rights are respected, everyone’s responsibilities are acquitted, everyone’s needs are met, everyone’s talents can be developed along the lines of excellence.

So, do you want:

  • The common good to be the common goal of the entire human family? – Work for justice.
  • An end to war as a means of conflict resolution? – Work for justice.
  • A world free of nuclear weapons? –  Work for justice.

    Click here to read more »

January 11, 2009 — Human Trafficking Awareness Day January 9th, 2009

Sunday is Human Trafficking Awareness Day in the U.S. A resolution passed by the US Senate on June 22, 2007 made January 11th a day of awareness and vigilance for the countless victims of Human Trafficking around the world.

Click here to read more »

Fighting Poverty to Build Peace: Papal Message for the World Day of Peace January 6th, 2009

The Pope’s annual World Day of Peace Message focused this year on the connection between extreme poverty and conflict. The Pope remarked that “The gap between rich and poor has become more marked, even in the most economically developed nations. This is a problem which the conscience of humanity cannot ignore, since the conditions in which a great number of people are living are an insult to their innate dignity and as a result are a threat to the authentic and harmonious progress of the world community”

Read the Pope’s World Day of Peace Message:

In English

In Spanish

In French

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