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March 22: World Water Day March 21st, 2013

logo_celebrationsWorld Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. Designated by the UN, it is an international day to celebrate freshwater.

In 2013, in reflection of the International Year of Water Cooperation, World Water Day is dedicated to the theme of cooperation around water.

In February of 2013, members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) held a Roundtable in New York on the Human Right to Water and Community Engagement. A gathering of companies, community representatives, investors and NGO representatives, the Roundtable was a successful beginning to a process of dialog around corporate impacts on scarce water supplies.

For information on the UN World Water Day events and materials, visit World Water Day 2013

To learn about the ICCR Water Roundtable, click here.

For Lenten faith resources on water, visit the Ecumenical Water Network of the World Council of Churches, which has an online compilation of biblical reflections and resources on water.


Pew Campaign on Human Health & Industrial Farming March 5th, 2013

banner_buttonsDoctors routinely instruct patients that antibiotics should be used only to treat bacterial infections, using the proper dosage, and for the full course of treatment. Otherwise, failure to follow these rules increases the likelihood that some of the bacteria will survive and mutate to become drug resistant.

Yet even if patients follow these medical instructions, they still may suffer from antibiotic-resistant infections. That is because many large producers of meat and poultry feed antibiotics to their healthy food animals to offset the effects of overcrowding and poor sanitation in CAFOs. Up to 70 percent of all antibiotics sold in the United States go to healthy food animals.

Visit the Pew Campaign site to learn more.

Thanks to National Catholic Rural Life Conference for this information. Get their monthly newsletter by visiting their website.

UN Survey for Post 2015 Agenda March 5th, 2013

image_largeThe United Nations is conducting a global survey asking you to choose your priorities for a better world. Our VIVAT International is a partner in this endeavor, and has asked us to make this available to you. our readers. Results of the survey will be shared with world leaders in setting the next global development agenda. Please go to this link for the survey tool:

You can choose your own language. Contact the VIVAT staff if you have any question, problem or difficulty in accomplishing the survey. Thanks!

Ecumenical Advocacy Days 2013 February 28th, 2013

Food_Justice_1_topper“Those who gathered much had nothing over, and those who gathered little had no shortage; they gathered as much as each of them needed.” (Exodus 16:18)

“When you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” (Luke 14:13-14)

Sign up today to attend the EAD 2013 gathering in Washington, DC scheduled for April 5-8. The theme for this year is “At God’s Table: Food Justice for a Healthy World”

Join 1,000+ Christian advocates at the 11th annual Ecumenical Advocacy Days to seek Food Justice for a Healthy World! In a world that produces enough food for everyone, EAD will explore the injustices in global food systems that leave one billion people hungry, create food price shocks that destabilize communities everywhere, and undermine God’s creation. At God’s Table, all are invited and fed, and the poorest in our midst are given a special place. Together we will seek the abundance and equality that we find reflected in the biblical image of God’s great banquet table (Exodus 16:16-18 & Luke 14:12-24). Inspiring speakers will offer a faith-based vision for fair and humane food policies and practices, along with grassroots advocacy training, all culminating with Monday’s Lobby Day on Capitol Hill.

More information at the EAD website….

In Gratitude for Pope Benedict XVI February 27th, 2013

pope benedict xvi“In this world of ours, in which, despite the profession of good intentions, the value of the person, of human dignity and human rights is seriously threatened by the widespread tendency to have recourse exclusively to the criteria of utility, profit and material possessions, it is important not to detach the concept of justice from its transcendent roots. Justice, indeed, is not simply a human convention, since what is just is ultimately determined not by positive law, but by the profound identity of the human being. It is the integral vision of man that saves us from falling into a contractual conception of justice and enables us to locate justice within the horizon of solidarity and love. ” – Pope Benedict XVI, Message for World Day of Peace, Educating Young People in Justice and Peace, 1 January 2012

These quotes reveal the Holy Father’s deep concern for the environment and the importance it plays in the lives of people:

“Preservation of the environment, promotion of sustainable development and particular attention to climate change are matters of grave concern for the entire human family.” (Address to Religious and Scientific Leaders, September 1, 2007)

“My dear friends, God’s creation is one and it is good. The concerns for non-violence, sustainable development, justice and peace and care for our environment are of vital importance for humanity.” (World Youth Day, June 2008)

“Creation is the beginning and the foundation of all God’s works and its preservation has now become essential…It is imperative that humankind renew and strengthen that covenant between human beings and the environment, which should mirror the creative love of God, from whom we come and towards we are journeying.” (If You Want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation, January 2010)


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