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The Story of Broke and How our Tax Dollars COULD be Used November 8th, 2011

In her latest video, Annie Leonard (creator of The Story of Stuff) looks at where our tax dollars go – and how they could be better used to build the kind of society we all want.

Watch “The Story of Broke”:

The Right to Water and Sanitation – A Practical Guide November 2nd, 2011

On 28 July 2010 the United Nations General Assembly officially recognised the Human Right to Water and Sanitation. To help make this Human Right a reality, Franciscans International and WaterLex have co-developed a learning manual for grassroots religious communities.

The purpose of this manual is to provide interested communities with an overview and some tools to address water access and governance challenges in everyday life. 

It explains progressively, over 7 sections, how to become aware of water and sanitation challenges as well as the planning of facilitation and advocacy activities at the local, national and international level.

Download Manual (PDF)


Italian Priest Killed in the southern Philippines October 25th, 2011

Fr. Tentorio, PIME (from the PIME website)

Fr. Fausto Tentorio, PIME, parish priest of Arakan Valley, Mindanao was shot dead on October 17th. Fr. Tentorio was an Italian priest who had been serving Mindanao since 1978 and was head of the Tribal Filipinos Apostolate of the Diocese of Kidapawan. He was gunned down at around 8:30 Monday morning just as he was preparing to leave his convent in Arakan Valley, North Cotabato, for the 9 a.m. Presbyterium in Kidapawan City.

More information…


JPIC Distance Learning Program October 25th, 2011

The Spiritan-owned Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA, launched a JPIC Distance Learning Program in mid-August of this year. For more information, please see our earlier post or go to:


Reflections on “Justice in the World” October 25th, 2011

In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the publication of the 1971 Synod document, ‘Justice in the World’, the JPIC Commission in Rome is conducting a series of interviews with people from around the world who have something constructive and educational to say about this document. The videos, which are then placed on YouTube, are designed to further the incorporation of Catholic Social Teaching into the mainstream of Catholic life.

Watch these YouTube reflections on ‘Justice in the World’ from Maria Riley, O.P. and Jim Hug SJ from the Center of Concern in Washington and Marie Dennis from the Maryknoll Office of Global Concern. []

The Synod Document is available in eight languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Polish, Indonesian and Korean on the USG/USIG JPIC website.

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