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Progress on Emissions Testing of Asphalt Plant in Pacoima, CA August 26th, 2011

This is the latest news from the group from St Mary Immaculate in Pacoima, CA who are concerned about possible toxic air pollution from a local asphalt plant:

“Our efforts for a better air in Pacoima continue. This week some of the leaders will meet with a South Coast Air Quality Management District (air pollution control agency). We are going to give them a history of what we have done, we will tell them about the medical problems that many people in the area are suffering from, and will also tell them about out tour to All American Asphalt. We are going to request that they test for emissions around All American Asphalt at a level of 3 ft. high, and to identify stationary sources of strange odors which is why we started the investigation.”

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Bishop Duffy, Outspoken Advocate for the Poor: Requiem in Pacem August 26th, 2011

Bishop Paul Francis Duffy, OMI – an outspoken Oblate missionary and Zambian bishop whose social justice work brought him threats from government officials – died Tuesday in San Antonio.

Father Billy Morell, OMI said Bp. Duffy was known throughout Zambia for fearlessly advocating for the rights and freedoms of people in the country’s poorest areas.

In his 27 years there, Bp. Duffy was credited with helping establish Oblate Radio Liseli, the Mongu Diocese Development Center, three schools, a teachers college, a hospital and several home-based care projects, including one for people with HIV/AIDS.

“He was a major political voice for the poor in Zambia,” said Father Jim Chambers in San Antonio. “He loved Zambia, and you could see that. He had a deep concern for the sufferings of the poor, and he let the government know.”

Bishop Duffy will be buried in Mongu, Zambia.

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Oblates Benefit from VIVAT International Workshop in India August 26th, 2011

Seventeen Oblates from Asia (India, Jaffna, Colombo, Bangladesh, Japan) participated in a VIVAT International workshop held in Indore, India from August 8 to 11, 2011. Also present were Daniel LeBlanc, OMI from the UN in New York and Camille Piche, OMI from OMI JPIC in Rome.

Participants experienced the many social action activities of the SVD and SSpS, and Adorers of the Previous Blood, and heard the heart-breaking story of an Eritrean Comboni sister working amongst the Bedouins in Israel-Palestine who told of the daily bulldozing of Bedouin and migrant houses. It was very inspiring to listen to the bold direction of the SVD and SSpS to opt for social action amongst the Dalits and Tribal peoples instead of work in parishes.

The VIVAT workshop invited the participants to go a step further and through advocacy, work for structural change by taking on the issues and injustices suffered by the poor, and deal with the root causes of injustices by empowering the poor to take these issues to local, provincial, regional, state, UN, EU etc. levels where decisions are taken regarding the poor. Everyone found the workshop to be very worthwhile.

A Workshop report giving a short summary of the proceedings is available. Daniel LeBlanc, OMI, Sr. Mary John, SSpS and Fr. Richard Quadros, SVD formed the drafting committee.

Read the VIVAT International Workshop Report (Download PDF)

Environmental Health Activists at Oblate Parish in Pacoima Take Action August 19th, 2011

Members of the Oblate parish of Mary Immaculate in San Fernando, California and interested residents of the area were given a tour of the All America Asphalt Company last week. The San Fernando residents were concerned by noxious odors in the area surrounding the plant and wanted to determine if there were air quality issues that could affect the health of the community. This brief report is from the members of the parish environmental group who organized the plant tour:

“We want to thank all the people who attended the tour to the All America Asphalt Company. This was an important step on our efforts for a better quality of air in our communities. We were able to understand how the company processes the asphalt and were confirmed that there will be an inspection by an industrial hygienist paid by the owner of the asphalt plant. One of the following steps is to wait for the report from the industrial hygienist.”



Oblate Community Supported Garden Shown at its Best in Local Magazine! August 15th, 2011

The Summer 2011 issue of Home Style Magazine, a publication of The Telegraph in Alton, Illinois, has run a very nice article on the LaVista Community Supported Farm supported by the Oblates. The Editor’s Note, titled “Garden Fresh,” is accompanied by sumptuous photos of the CSA’s bounty.

Learn more…(download PDF)


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