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Faith Groups Call on Obama to Stop Dirty Oil Sands Pipeline June 2nd, 2011

The Oblate JPIC Office has joined 45 other faith-based groups in asking the Obama Administration to deny the presidential permit needed by TransCanada Corporation to construct a pipeline to carry dirty oil sands from Alberta, Canada to Houston, TX.

The construction of such a pipeline would have devastating impacts on people living in the refining processing area as well as on the 500 miles of farmland and 1300 miles of privately-owned land that the pipeline would cross. It would also cross over the great Ogallala Aquifer, which provides roughly 30% of all the water used for irrigation on American farms. The aquifer would suffer as a result of any oil spills.

The tar-sands oil under the Boreal Forest in Canada is some of the dirtiest fuel on the planet. Once extracted and burned, tar-sands oil produces high levels of sulfur oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide.

We need to get our energy from clean sources, and not continue to look to ever more environmentally damaging and expensive sources of fossil fuels.

Read the letter on the Keystone Pipeline XL project.



Oblate JPIC Work in India June 2nd, 2011

This OMI JPIC video features the Indian Oblate Provincial, Fr. Francis Nallappan, OMI, who describes the JPIC work done by Oblates in India.

Fr. Francis was hosted by the JPIC office in Washington D.C, who connected him with the U.S. Bishops Conference and Catholic Relief Services staff.

For more videos click the YouTube icon on our home page.



Spring Issue of JPIC Report Now Available May 31st, 2011

The Spring issue of our bi-annual print publication, JPIC Report, is now available on line.

Hard copies copies will be sent to those on our mailing list as soon as it is printed. Please let the JPIC office know if you are interested in receiving a copy. You can reach us through the comments feature on this website.

Download PDF of JPIC News, Spring 2011

Vatican Meeting Calls for Guidance on Environmental, Corporate Ethics May 18th, 2011

Catholics are looking for guidance and a larger voice from the Vatican on ethical principles for the world of finance and the environment, according to a number of participants attending a Vatican meeting on social justice in a globalized world.

Some 200 people involved in social justice issues for the church gathered May 16-18 for an international conference sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. The meeting celebrated the 50th anniversary of Blessed Pope John XXIII’s social encyclical, “Mater et Magistra.” It was designed to find ways to use the church’s social teaching, including Pope Benedict XVI’s 2009 social encyclical “Caritas in Veritate,” to bring greater justice to a globalized world.

The Oblates were represented by Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI, US JPIC Director. Fr. Seamus, a leader in the faith-responsible investment movement said, “Individual Catholics are looking for guidance” in how to connect their concern for corporate responsibility and the environment to their faith and Christian spirituality.

Christians cannot be motivated solely by utilitarian arguments that natural resources should be protected so that they will not run out or poison future generations, he said, adding that “Environmental and corporate ethics needs to be based on the Christian sense of stewardship, of care, respect and appreciation for God’s gifts.”

Read the Catholic News Service article…


Vatican Issues Major Report on Science of Climate Change May 6th, 2011

Thanks to the Catholic Climate Covenant campaign for the information in this post.

A working group of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, one of the oldest scientific institutes in the world, has issued a sobering report on the implications for humankind of the melting of glaciers from human-induced climate change. In their declaration, the working group calls, “on all people and nations to recognize the serious and potentially irreversible impacts of global warming caused by the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants, and by changes in forests, wetlands, grasslands, and other land uses.” They echoed Pope Benedict XVI’s 2010 World Day of Peace Message saying, “…if we want justice and peace, we must protect the habitat that sustains us.”

The report, which now brings the moral authority of the Vatican to bear on this important debate, focuses on the global retreat of mountain glaciers which results from human activity and warns that, “Failure to mitigate climate change will violate our duty to the vulnerable of the Earth, including those dependent on the water supply of mountain glaciers, and those facing rising sea level and stronger storm surges. Our duty includes the duty to help vulnerable communities adapt to changes that cannot be mitigated. All nations must ensure that their actions are strong enough and prompt enough to address the increasing impacts and growing risk of climate change and to avoid catastrophic irreversible consequences.” (Emphasis added.)

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